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León's pov

L: Vilu! It's time to go!

V: Okay, okay, I'm coming!

*She said as she ran to me. She looked so pretty, just like always. I gave her my hand and helped her get in the limousine. I sat in and the driver started driving away.*

V: I can't believe that we're going to Francesca's and Diego's wedding. I am so happy for them. And all this thanks to you

L: Me?

V: You knew about Diego and her but still pretended as if nothing and sent her home without a punishment. You were always so nice. But... one thing...

L: Tell me

V: On that night... what happened between Lara and you?

L: Well, you wanted to leave so I had to get close to Lara somehow...

*She hit me in my arm lightly and frowned like a little child*

L: No, in all honesty, I wasn't really... sober on that day. I drank quite too much and forgot that I was supposed to meet Lara. So yeah. 

V: That's a cheap excuse but I guess I can take it

L: Come on my queen, don't be silly

V: I am silly? I am silly? Say it again, huh?

*She crossed her arms and pretended being mad. I looked at her and we both bursted out laughing*

V: I am happy that you didn't listen to me when I wanted us being just friends

L: Me too

V: Why did you like me? I was just a poor peasant, my speeches weren't like Lara's, I wasn't kind like Cami nor pretty like Naty

L: You were honest and wanted the best for everyone.

V: Mabye too honest

L: Yeah, you were too honest the first time we met

*She laughed, reminiscing the past. I couldn't get my eyes off her. There is much more than honesty behind the whole story. I liked her since I first saw her, the time when I took her in my arms and moved her from the balcony on the bed. I couldn't look at another girl the same way as I did at Violetta. The fact that she didn't want me made me want her more. Sometimes it's hard with her because of her pig headed character but I have my own flaws too...*

L: I love you

V: I love you too León

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