Chapter Seventeen: IN WHICH The Fire Dies, and Talyn Makes a Discovery

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Kea stood up, ignoring Leonas' warnings not to. She turned to him and pulled the shreds of her jacket closer to her skin. "What kind of sword is that?" she demanded. "Do you know?"

The Laconis pursed his lips, wriggling in his prison. "Probably a godblade," he rasped, licking his lips. "A sword made by the gods – or whatever god you believe in – specifically for killing demons. Hence, the name." He grunted and stopped struggling. "Now, are you going to help me out of here, or should I keep staring at the skin you're showing?" He grinned.

She rolled her eyes, but went to his side and pressed her hands to the stone. "Brióta," she Commanded, and the rock broke apart and freed Leonas.

He dropped to his feet and stumbled a little. "Thank you," he breathed, putting a hand on her shoulder. He looked at her and smiled. "I have to say, you are beautiful –"

"Stop it," she muttered with a grin, shoving him lightly. Her smile disappeared. "Now, we need to get to that sword, now. If Dameon gets a hold of it, what would that mean?"

He shook his head. "Let's hope he doesn't. Let's go." He took her hand and brought her forward, toward Milaya and Abaddon.

Dameon turned to face them, eyes blazing red as he raised his hand again toward Milaya. "You come anywhere near the godblade, the werewolves die!" he bellowed, his voice shaking the trees. A blue bolt of energy shot from the tips of his fingers straight into Milaya's chest, grinning as she screamed.

Kea froze, and Leonas looked at her. "If she dies, then we'll live. If we don't kill Dameon, we won't. We need to get to the sword," he growled, tugging her forward again.

She pulled her hand out of his. "You're not serious! We can't just –"

"Are you listening to me?" he snapped, grabbing her by the shoulders. "We need that sword, or we will die – all of us. We need to be able to let them go if we want Albinan, and us, to live." His eyes softened just a little as he shook his head. "I don't like it either, but it has to be done. If we need to make a mad dash to the sword, then so be it. I can do it if you can't."

She shook her head. "I'll be –"

He turned and rushed Dameon, only to be brushed aside and stabbed in the leg by a claw. He shouted and held the wound closed, unable to heal it.

Kea shrieked as she saw the first gushes of blood come out of the hole in Leonas' leg. "Leave him alone!" she shouted, jumping forward and rolling to grab the godblade from the ground. She held it up in front of her, suddenly unsure of herself.

Dameon turned toward her and grinned as another sword formed in his hand. "And so the youngling picked up her sword and stalked toward the demon," he hissed, "panic settling in her heart and the deepest recesses of her soul." He took a step toward her.

She reached under the collar of her shirt and wrapped the fingers of her left hand around her safety pendant. It warmed up in her palm, and a feeling of calm and peace filled her mind. She closed her eyes for a second, and when she opened them, she stared straight at Dameon. "I could kill you," she growled, twirling the sword like it was an extension of her arm. "I can destroy you with... what, two swings of this? You could be gone in a matter of seconds."

He laughed. "Then prove it!" he snapped. "Or I'll kill Leonas. Right here, right now, and there would be nothing you could do to stop me." He reached down and picked up the Laconis by the throat, lifting him up so his feet hung a foot above the ground.

"No! Leave him out of this!" She moved forward and slashed at his arm.

The demon howled and dropped Leonas, grasping his arm and glowering at Kea. "So the girl has fire." He licked his lips and held his arm a little tighter. "Didn't know you had that in you. If I had known –"

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