Chapter Two

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After what seemed like forever, the plane landed in England and Vesta was at the airport to pick the girls up. "How was the flight?" She asked, as Adela got into the passenger's seat and Beth in the back seat.

"It was quite long, just glad to be back here." Adela said, buckling up her seat belt.

"Very boring too, screaming kids." Beth muttered under her breath in disgust.

After a couple hours, they reached the house. They had to go through a long driveway, as the house sat far out into the woods in the middle of a clearing. The house was a large historic manor, with 12 bedrooms and they had a few flower gardens here and there and a courtyard in the middle of the manor. They unloaded the car with the help of Axel. Beth had a lot more bags than I did. "What did her bags make up?" Axel asked. "Half of the plane?"

Beth stuck her tongue at him and walked into the house with her bags. Adela shrugged. "Knowing her, probably. When did you get in?" She asked.

"Last night." He said. "Have you heard from Viggo or Millie?" He asked.

She nodded. "They said that they would be in tonight." She stated, it had been a few weeks since we've seen either one of them.

She brought her bags up to her bedroom and unpacked stuff and put them away, and soon, her bedroom was cleaned. Adela's room was a pretty big sized, as most of the rooms in the manor were. One whole wall was basically a bookshelf, and in the very middle of that wall was a reading nook/window seat.

Her bed (headboard) is up against one back wall with French doors on one side of it, leading to a balcony, and a nightstand on the other side and the wall is adjacent to the bookshelf wall. The other wall adjacent to her bed, is the door leading into the bedroom, and beside the door, is a long dresser, a few places down from the nightstand is a vanity/desk. The opposite wall holds two doors. One leads to the bathroom, and the other is a closet, and a chest of drawers rests in between the two doors.

The basement area of the manor is Vesta's space for her witch stuff, and it also holds her bedroom. It kind of freaks Beth out, but it doesn't Adela, or Viggo, Axel and Millie, their mothers were witches, but Beth isn't really too fond of witches, even Vesta.

The cousins met Beth in the year of 1683, it was also the year that they had a minor run-in with the Mikaelson family, but they weren't in their presences long enough to actually know them or for them to suspect anything of the cousins.

Beth had been taken advantage of by a guy, who had turned out to be a vampire. He had given her his blood and then snapped her neck just for the heck of it, needless to say, she was extremely lost and confused when Adela and the others found her, and they decided to take her back to Vesta, and she freaked when she learned the last names of the family, apparently, the vampire she that had changed her was a certain hybrid and Adela's dearest uncle and the father of Millie, even to this day, she doesn't really like Millie, no matter how many times Millie has saved her from werewolf bites with her blood, for some reason, Beth has a major talent of ticking off werewolves.


It was the year of 1683 in the country of England. And the Mikaelson cousins were walking down the road of the house of a rich planter in the area, on the way back to their house; they lived in the wealthier side of England, which the wealth showed in their clothing. Adela was dressed in a pink dress that has lavish gold/bronze decoration, especially the bodice. Millie, on the other hand, was dressed in a light blue dress, similar to that of her cousin's, but she had an umbrella with her, that hid her face somewhat, as we heard that the Mikaelsons were in the area.

The mantua of both their dresses was a draped over-skirt while the over-bodice and over-skirt of the right dress appear to be one garment and the sleeves have the complex puffed virago sleeves style. Both of the boys were dressed in breeches, and dress shirts and the style of jackets that showed off wealth, but Viggo had on green while Axel was in red.

As they were nearing a house, she couldn't remember whose, but she thought it was the home of a politician, 3 men, one tall and had brown hair and dark brown eyes, he looked young and was tall and lean, another was also tall, with dark brown, almost black hair and brown eyes and had a severe, stern expression on his face. The last one, was tall, yet like his brothers (she assumed as they looked alike) with light-brown hair and light blue eyes.

All three of them looked so familiar to her, and soon, they found out why. They stopped and bowed as a greeting, so Viggo and Axel bowed while Millie and Adela were to curtsy. Adela knew the three men were vampires, she could scent that, but never would she have guessed that she was in the presence of the originals, until they told them their names. "How are you?" The first man asked. "My name is Kol Mikaelson." He said.

"And I'm Niklaus Mikaelson and this is our brother Finn." He said. Adela mentally groaned. Here they were, talking to three of the originals, who happened to be their uncles and the fathers of three of the cousins.

Since neither the twins nor Millie made a move, Adela did. "First off, we're all good, thank you, and second, I'm Adela Ellison." She said, making up a surname on the spot, using part of her father's first name. "And these are my cousins, Viggo, Axel and Mildred." She said.

Klaus then looked up the road. "Elijah, Rebekah, big brother; sister." He said. Adela's eyes almost grew wide, but she kept a composed face, as she turned around to see the name who was her father and aunt.

Rebekah was dressed in a deep red silk damask gown with gold and black brocade underskirt, with white lace sleeves. Her eyes flickered to the man next to her; her father. Now she knew the stories that her mother had told her made sense, Adela really did look just like him.

"I'm sorry, but we must go." Axel said, before they could really get a good look at them and start to piece everything together and they left without giving them a chance to say anything.

They soon got about 7 miles down the road when a girl with red hair and dressed in a Yellow silk dress brocaded with polychrome silks in floral motifs. Adela knew then instantly that she was the planter's missing daughter, and she could tell she was a baby vampire. "I don't know what's going on." She whimpered, the poor girl was scared to death.

"What's your name?" Millie asked gently.

"Elizabeth Calloway." She said.

"The planter's daughter." Viggo said.

"So what do we do?" Axel asked.

"Well, we can't let her go home, she's a vampire." Adela said to him, before turning back to the girl. "Eliza-." She started, but she cut her off.

"Beth." She said.

Adela gave her a soft smile. "Beth, look, if you come with us, I'll explain everything." I said. "My name is Adela Mikaelson." She said and Beth freaked. Axel was not expecting this and jumped a little.

"Mikaelson." She said.

"Shh, keep your voice down, we're not going to hurt you, let me guess, a Mikaelson did this to you?" Adela asked, on a haunch and Beth nodded.

"Yes, Klaus." She said. Viggo and Axel turned to look at Millie, who glared at them, daring them to say anything. Nevertheless, Beth let the cousin's take her home and to Vesta and after a long discussion, they decided to take her in.

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