Chapter Five

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Millie soon returned from her meeting with Fiona. She didn't really find out too much information on the wolves, as they had actually been behaving themselves for once, and she was surprised, normally they did things without even thinking about the consequences.

But she did find out some information out about the Mikaelson family. She called for the other's once she walked in the door.

"Hey guys." She called out. "I need speak with you."

One-by-one, they all piled into the living room.

"What's up Mils?" Viggo asked.

"So, I found out some information about the originals from Fiona."

"Oh? Do tell." Axel encouraged.

"According to her, the family moved back to New Orleans."

"Now that is interesting." Vesta mused.

Millie nodded. "I'm thinking that's why Beth's down in New Orleans." She said. "It's possible that she may be planning something." She added. "It wouldn't be the first time she's talked about revenge on my father."

Vesta nodded again. "I can call my friends and ask them to keep an eye out for her, to see if she's got anything planned that they could see."

"Is that all you know?" Viggo asked.

Millie nodded. "Yeah." She said. "Fiona said she'd keep me updated if she got any other information." She said.

Vesta nodded and stood. "Keep me posted please."

Millie nodded. "Of course."

The witch nodded and left the room. The twins soon also left, leaving the two girls alone, but of course they were arguing over some game on the way out.

Adela rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Those two are always finding something to argue about."

"Don't I know it." Millie murmured, walking to the kitchen and opened a cabinet and pulling out some raisins.

"So how are Fiona and the other wolves?" Adela asked.

"They're doing really good." Millie said, as she munched on some raisins. "Surprisingly, they have been behaving themselves." She shrugged. She frowned and tilted her head. "But something's bugging me." She started. "Why in the world would Beth want to be in New Orleans anyway?" She sighed. "Obviously she should know that nothing can kill an original."

"And even if there was, I'm pretty sure that they went to great lengths to make sure that they don't fall in anyone's hand either." Adela said.

"Exactly." Millie said. She finished eating some raisins and put the container back into the cabinet. "Something just doesn't make sense here."

"Well, when it involves Beth, nothing makes sense." Adela said, getting a bottled water out of the fridge, before heading back out of the kitchen.

Millie sighed and headed upstairs to her room, shutting the door. She sat on her bed and reached to her nightstand and picked up an old journal of her mother's that had survived all these years. She gently turned to a random page.

August 23

We're finally back home, back in Scandinavia. This really wasn't what Annelise and I wanted, but we have no other choice. We had to leave the village in the new land in order to protect our children, from their own grandfather of all people. The children whose fathers will never get to know. My baby will grow up without her father. She hasn't been born yet, but I just know she's a girl, and she's all that I have left of Klaus, and her name will be waiting for her when she comes into this world: Mildred Mikaelson. Klaus and I had discussed baby names before, just for no reason, and I told him that I had always liked Mildred, and no matter what, that's what my first daughter's name would be whether or not I would have any children with him. He doesn't deem it a very fitting name for a child, I can just remember what he had to say about that too. "That poor child." He had said, with a shake of his head. "If we ever had a daughter, with that name, I would just have to call her Millie."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2016 ⏰

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