Chapter Four

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Life went on as normal after Beth was kicked out, perhaps even a little better, though none of them, especially Adela, couldn't shake the feeling that they haven't seen the last of her. She did miss life back in Scandinavia back in her time, back in the Middle Ages.

For her, it was a time where life was so much simpler, and above most of all, she missed her mother. Sure, life was a bit harder then than it was for people in the modern time, but they of course had been used to it, and she missed the life of being a carefree child, without a worry in the world.

That was until her mother was killed by the vampire that changed her when she was 19 years old. That changed her life as she knew it, nothing was the same anymore after that. But Vesta took them all in after that, and the family would be forever grateful for her, for what she did for them, and they considered her part of the family, in fact, at times, they portrayed her as their aunt.

Vesta was the most powerful witch that Adela had ever met, sure, she had heard rumors of her grandmother, Esther, but Adela had never met her, so she couldn't account from that. Millie was also powerful in her own way, but she had never seen anything like Vesta. But Vesta never let that show or ever let it get to her head, and that's what Adela admired most about her.

Vesta was actually Italian, but when she was 9 years old, she had gotten lost from her family during a war that the country was in. Vesta had told the cousins that a group of Nordic witches had found her carrying nothing but a small bag and her family's grimoire, and they tried to help Vesta find her family, but they had discovered that Vesta's family had perished, so they decided to take in the girl and raise her themselves, and taught her.

"Hey, we're going out if you want to come?" Adela was pulled out of her thoughts and looked up at Axel, who had spoken.

"No thanks, I've been traveling so much the past couple months that I just want to stay in and relax."

"Alright, okay then." He nodded understandingly, then he lightly nudged his brother with the back of his hand. "Let's go Viggo." And with that, the twins left.

She turned her head as she heard a noise, and Millie came down the steps dressed in a pair of ripped jeans with white floral lace under the holes and a burgundy colored racerback Hollister tank top on. "Hey, I'll be back later, I'm meeting up with Fiona to find out what's been going on."

"Okay, be careful."

"I always am."

Fiona Holden was a werewolf friend of Millie's and that's where Millie got all of her information on the local wolves in the area from. Millie had liked to keep tabs on the werewolves and make sure that they didn't get too much out of hand, and Fiona helped with that. Adela had met Fiona before, and she was a nice girl, even though she knew that Fiona was a bit weary of her.

Adela headed upstairs to her room and got a shower and changed into some pajama bottoms and a tank top before brushing her curls and then climbed into bed to get some sleep, for some reason, she was just tired, but it wasn't anything that a few hours of sleep couldn't cure. But of course, she did have a certain memory from her childhood.

Middle Ages: Present Day Norway

7-year-old Adela looked up at her mother. "Mama, how come you haven't told me much about my father?" She asked. Annelise and Adela were out picking some herbs for Annelise's mother. Annelise sighed and sat her basket down on the ground.

"I knew this day would come soon." She said down on an old tree that had fallen over. "Come here Adela." She said, taking her daughter's hands and pulled her over to her, on her lap. Every time her daughter had asked about her father in the past, Annelise had always avoided giving her daughter a straight answer, but now, it was time. Adela deserved to know.

"His name was Elijah Mikaelson. And you look just like him." Annelise said. "The same eyes, the same hair, though yours is curly." She told her, running her fingers through her daughter's long curls. "You remind me so much of him each and every day."

"What was he like?" Adela looked at her, quite curious.

"Well, he's very kind and noble and he cares a lot about family. He would do just about anything for them." Annelise often missed him so much, but she was thankful that she had her daughter, his daughter. "You're stubborn just like him too." She chuckled slightly at her little girl.

"I'll tell you some more later child, but right now, we need to get these herbs back to your grandmother before she has our hides."

Adela giggled, as her mother smiled. "Okay mama." She said, finishing up putting the rest of the herbs into her basket.

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