Chapter Three

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Later that night, Axel and Adela were playing a card game of war, when they heard arguing outside. "Well, sounds like Viggo and Millie are home." Adela said.

Axel started laughing, "Yeah." He said and got up and opened the door, they didn't notice them, amused, well, Axel was the amused one, until Adela cleared her throat. "Axel! Adela!" Millie exclaimed.

Viggo looked up, "She started it." He muttered, brushing past them and into the house.

"Oh real mature Viggo!" Millie said, following him in and Adela shut the door. The family was back together now. Honestly, Adela had to admit that she kind of missed their bickering.

"Great, they're back." Beth said sarcastically from the stairs, and then she walked away back to her bedroom.

"Yeah, hate you too!" Millie called behind her, being sarcastic right back, which was kind of Millie's thing. At times, Millie did have a short temper, and she was normally rude and sarcastic to people who behaved that way to her. Millie glared at where she had been, and quite frankly, Adela didn't blame her cousin.

"Who rained on her parade?" Viggo asked.

Millie snorted. "Please, that girl is just plain hateful." She muttered, going down the hall to her room to put her own bags up. Millie had every right to hate Beth. She healed the girl up every time she pissed off a werewolf with her blood and Beth was never appreciative of that. That and the fact that Beth was just plain rude to Millie in general. Sure, Adela could understand what Beth had against Klaus, but Millie wasn't her father, she never done anything to harm Beth, in fact, she often helped her.

Later that night, Beth came downstairs in a very tight and very revealing dress. Vesta's jawed dropped and Adela's eyes grew wide. What the hell was she wearing?

"Alright, I'm going out, don't wait up, I'll be out late." She said. She slammed the door before either of us could get a chance to say anything. Vesta soon called for a meeting with Viggo, Axel, Millie and Adela.

"Alright, so does anyone know what's up with Elizabeth?" Vesta asked, after explaining what she and Adela had just seen.

Axel busted out laughing and Viggo shot his twin a weird look. "But seriously, No." he said, after he was finished.

"I have noticed that she's changed a lot over the course of the past couple years." Adela nodded, agreeing with her cousin. Millie shrugged, to her, Abby had always been like that.

"I think I do." Vesta said. "Some witches in New Orleans, where some of my brethren lives, says she has seen Beth down there. I can ask them if they see her around again."

In the early hours of morning Millie and Adela sat on the couch watching a movie, by the time the next one came on, it was 5 in the morning and Beth walked through the door, drunk, smelling like beer and covered in blood, she went upstairs and the two girls exchanged glances. Adela shook her head and turned back to the movie. Let's just say, Vesta kicked her out before noon.

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