1. The Bet

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Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. Hope you are fine.


Hey guys. Soo....... This is my first book. I hope you like it.


Chapter 1: The Bet.

Ahmad's POV

"Thank you so much for coming guys" Farouk shook our hands.

"Congratulations Farouk " Ammar and I said in unison.

Farouk is my friend's brother, Muhannad. They are Sudanese. They moved to Nigeria from Egypt couple years ago and Muhannad got a job in the company I work for. Unfortunately he had to go for a business trip so I am attending his brother's induction as a certified Nigerian doctor in his stead.

"Thank you. I reserved two seats for you - please follow me. " Farouk started leading the way. We left Abba at the entrance catching up with his long lost colleague.

" Uhm. Farouk we came with our father - give me a minute to check on him" I said and he nodded.

"Wait Ahmad. I will go" Ammar offered.
We waited for him.
"He said he will be seating with his friend" Ammar informed us on his return.

We got to the seats Farouk reserved for us and soon after, the swearing in ceremony for the new doctors began. I commented on almost every person that went on stage. The fat lady that looked 20, the extremely thin girl that looked like she had anorexia yet so pretty, the man that is old enough to be my grandfather but still risked his life to study medicine, some girls were on six inches high heels, there was even a crippled doctor and what not. Alot of them looked somewhat normal.

What type of doctors would we have in the nearest future. I wonder. So help us God.

Ammar mostly just shook his head or ignored my comments. My brother and I are the total opposite of each other. He's not much of a talker especially in public, he has his playful, loving and childish side but you have to be really lucky to see it. Expect you live with us. I tried to teasingly pick a girl for him from the graduates but he shot me daggers then ignored me when he realized I wasn't giving up easily.

"Ya Allah. This was too long. I'm only forgiving them because the snacks they gave out was fantastically delicious." I said while trying to stretch in my seat. Ammar chuckled and stood up first. Its been almost two hour and the ceremony was finally over. There were speeches and more speeches then some lecture on some disease I couldn't careless about, then the actual swearing in of the new doctors then refreshments and more speech then finally closing prayers.

Remind me to never attend Doctors swearing in ceremony again or anything that has to do with doctors. Thank you.

"Ammar, how can you cope with this torture? You attend it like every year." I asked Ammar as I followed him outside the hall.

"Why? I thought it was interesting and very educative" Ammar shrugged. How can I forget he is a doctor, which means of course he would enjoy the long lectures.

"Yeah, whatever. You doctors can be very boring atimes or maybe its just you." I groaned. "Maybe I should find you an interesting partner. You know someone who can bring out the light in you." He rolled his eyes at me.

"There is our doctor" I called as soon as I saw Farouk coming with a girl that looks like him and gave me a toothy grin.

"Dr. Farouk" Ammar praised. " I liked your speech it was beautiful" yep. Farouk together with a girl that looked more Arab than Nigerian but i was sure she was Nigerian, gave a speech about...... Hmm.... I can't remember.

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