4. Formal Meeting

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For Xeeeeey
The first two people who read and voted for this story when I published the 1st chapter.. Thank you.


Chapter 4: Formal Meeting

Ammar's POV

I got in my car about to go and see the girl 'I' allegedly like. I put the key in the ignition, the car roared as I turned the key. I didn't notice Ahmad coming till I saw him in front of me.

"I will drive you there" he offered. Yeah right like hell he would.

I ignored him and tried to close the door but his big figure was standing in the way.

"Come on Ammar please. I am sorry. Just let me drive you there. " he pleaded. Without a word I came out from the driver's seat and went around to the passenger seat in front. We drove in silence.

I have not spoken a word to Ahmad since that night. Alright maybe I actually did speak to him. I yelled at him but that still didn't make me feel better. Ahmad can be very annoying and he knows the right place to prick when he wants to annoy me.

We arrived at the house in no time and rang the bell after parking the car in there compound. A young lady opened the door and welcomed us in. We were soon joined by Alhaji Haruna in the parlor as the same lady served us snacks and drinks.

We had a little chat with him and he asked a lot of questions that actually felt like a job interview. I tried to answer them politely and not give away the fact that I was kind of forced to come here. He asked job related questions, personal questions, future plans and the like. I was so nervous. I guess that's what fathers do when you come to ask for their daughters' hand in marriage. He finally got up to leave after a whole lot of interrogations.

He told us he would call his daughter so I tried to mentally prepare myself. I have no idea what to say to her I just hope she will reject me. Its kinda comforting having Ahmad here after all.

While we were waiting for her, Ahmad received a call from his friend and told me he had to go but will come back and pick me. He was about to leave when we heard a knock on the door that led inside the house. Ahmad opened the door and let the person in.

She entered with a salam and we answered her in unison.
"Ah, Hafsat we meet again" Ahmad exclaimed

"Good afternoon" She greeted him with smile.

"Afternoon. As much as I would love to stay its unfortunate that I have to run."

"Oh too bad."

"Yeah. Okay bye. See you later. Pardon my brother thou he's a tad bit slow"
With that he left before I could react to what he said. She took a seat which I noticed was the farthest away from me.

"Assalamu alaikum" I said after the long silence.

"Wa'alaika salam" she answered back.

Think fast Ammar. Think.
Don't be rude and say something now.

"Do you like cars?" I really did think fast. Smooth bro. Cars?

How about 'how are you?' 'how was your day?' 'since you just graduated, which hospital are you going to apply to?' but I had to start with cars.

She just gave me a weird look and thought before answering "uhm not really. As long as it's comfortable, has four wheels and can take me to my destination. I'm fine with it." she answered casually. She seemed comfortable and looked really beautiful.
Despite her composed self and nice character and beautiful face and statue
I'm still not the slightest bit interested in her.

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