2.The Visitors

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Happy birthday to a lovely sister, a childhood friend and a future partner in our grandmothers' club. I love you Xuby. Allah ya nuna mana auren ki. This chapter is for you. zubydooby

Chapter 2: The Visitors


Abba finally appeared with the family that he was standing with earlier.

We said our greetings to the family. Turns out he was Abba's course mate. He moved to Saudi Arabia with his family about 12years ago and returned only last year. They introduced their son Ali who's about 10 and daughter Hafsat, who looks 19-20 but I recognized her as the graduate that presented with Farouk so she's probably 21 or 22 years old. I mean its almost impossible to graduate medical college at the age of 19 right?

They made plans to come to our house on Wednesday which is in 4 days. Abba kept praising the family and their children on our way home making Ahmad and I exchange knowing glances.


"Naseer! You are late for your shift" I growled. I had a night shift and it was so hectic. I was so damn tired from all the emergency cases that came. Its like there was a grim reaper last night. I was suppose to hand over my duty at 8am to the nurses so they can pass it to the next doctor on duty but even the nurses were late. Whats wrong with people. It 8:20am and I am sleepy. Being in Accident and Emergency unit shift sucks.

"Sorry Ammar. Nafisa wasn't feeling well. I think the baby is giving her a hard time" he apologized. I felt bad for being rude. Naseer is my closest friend, he got married a year ago and his wife is now pregnant.

"its okay. I am just a little too tired." I said. "How is she and the baby?" I normally don't care or mind people's personal life or feelings but I sincerely care for Naseer and everything that's his.

"Better insha Allah. I dropped her at her aunt's"

"Insha Allah " I assured him. I took my bag and straight to the car.

I went straight to my bed as soon as I got home. I slept till 3pm when Ahmad came to my room. I was sure I locked my door. Oh damn. I forgot to lock the toilet door.

My room and Ahmad's are linked through the toilet. So sometimes or almost all the time we enter each other's room through the bathroom.

Zainab kept saying she likes it because its like the one in a movie or cartoon called gossip girl in one of the actress's house. Zainab's and Amrah's room are linked like ours.

Even though its cool, its gives me more stress than happiness.

"what do you want? " I grumbled.

" Did you pray zuhr?" yeah right zuhr. I quickly jumped out of bed and went to perform ablution. I prayed zuhr and decided to go to the kitchen and eat.
I walked sluggishly to the kitchen as I heard odd voices coming from the parlor. I went straight to the kitchen avoiding everyone especially my parents who would make me sit with the strangers. Whoever they were I was just not interested.

I heard laughter when I entered the kitchen. My sister Zainab was sitting on the kitchen stool with another girl that had her back to the door. I decided to leave the kitchen unnoticed but well my sister wouldn't let that happen

"Ammar! " she squealed. I turned and decided to ask her to bring my food to my room. As I turned the other girl too turned to look at me and I thought she looked familiar but..

" Ammar, this is my friend Hafsat. She's now a doctor. Hafsat, this is my brother Ammar. He's also a doctor." She introduced us.

"Oh. Nice to meet you again. " the Hafsat girl said with a smile. Both Zainab and I gave her a confused expression.

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