I could escape this time. If only the blocks were bigger. Even if they were, would my wounded soul still be free? It's screaming too loud and being too stubborn. I tried explaining it but only if it would listen.
A small noise made me turn my head. Slow and steady otherwise the nausea hits real hard. Doctor prescribed some new meds and a whole new diet chart. I wonder if he knows I know that it lacks our daily intakes. Fool was what they thought I was with a hideous face. I am not a fool. I used my time wisely in the used books of my perfect sibling. Hoping one day even with my intellect I could surprise them.
Yes, I was born a freak. My face wasn't that of an angel. A monster is what they called me. So I was shoved into a inhuman torture of what I wasn't guilty of.
The rats made it their business to protect me. In return they had all my tattered clothes to take. They would let me know if I had visitors. Visitors that were devil in their excellent disguise.