Part One

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“You really should go get that checked out Y/N.” This was the fifth time in as many minutes that Spencer had said the same thing.

Shifting the ice pack against the back of your head, you scowled at him.

“When exactly did you finish medical school Reid? Oh wait…….. ” He was annoying you, you were fine. It was just a bump. And a few scratches. And a sprained ankle. Nothing that a hot bath, some bandages and a fuck ton of antibacterial cream wouldn’t cure.

“You need stitches as well. That cut on your arm is nasty, if you don’t get it treated properly you stand an 74 percent chance of developing an infection.”

“Please go and bother somebody else before I punch you. Please?” You just wanted to get back to headquarters. You were exhausted from the chase that had caused your mild injuries.

Luckily though, Derek Morgan had been with you when the unsub had made his dash for freedom, knocking you into the ditch as he went, you cracking your head on a rock at the bottom. The rest of the team had arrived minutes later, finding Morgan with the unsub pinned underneath him, and you flailing like a turtle stuck on its back.

Reid and JJ had carefully made their ways down into the ditch, passing by the bushes that had torn your hands to shreds as you’d tried to grab them to keep yourself from falling, unsuccessfully. You’d leant on them for support as they pulled you back up the hill and out of the wooded area to the parking lot.

The unsub apprehended and on his way to the local jail, Reid was insisting that you go to the local ER to get your injuries and checked out. You were fine though. Apart from wanting to seriously hurt your colleague if rambled off one more random fact about brain injuries sometimes not being apparent straight away, or flesh eating bacteria that you could have contracted from the stagnant water of the shallow pond you’d ended up in.

Reid looked hurt, but started to walk away from the back of SUV you were sitting in, nursing your ankle and head with emergency ice packs. You know, the sort where you break the fluid inside setting of some sort of chemical reaction that made them cold. No doubt Dr Reid would be able to explain perfectly how they went from solid plastic to cool bits of ice sent from heaven to ease your pain. Not that you were going to ask him.

Ahhh, peace and quiet. Until the door on the other side of the vehicle opened and he started to slide in next to you.

Nope nope nope. Not happening. The drive home was three hours long, the jet having been in for an emergency service and the team not being to all get on commercial flights fast enough. You were not spending three hours in the back seat of an SUV with Reid. You’d rather sleep in the ditch you’d not long been dragged out of.

You slid out of the vehicle, wincing as your swollen ankle hit the hard ground as you hobbled across the concrete hearing Spencer protesting behind you.

Making your way over to the vehicle Agent Hotchner had arrived in, you begged him to allow you to ride home with him. Morgan and Rossi had left already, tailing the squad car containing the unsub to the station to fill out the required paper work. This left you, Agents Jareau and Prentiss, Dr Reid, and your boss, Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner.

“Please sir, you know how much he winds me up. I just want to pass out for three hours and you know he’ll insist on keeping me awake, jabbering on about….. I dunno, fucking badgers or something.” Your bosses eyebrows raised at your language and you swiftly muttered an apology. You were still out in the field after all.

“Get in, Emily and Jennifer can ride with Dr Reid. But I’m not listening to that noise you refer to as ‘music’ again.” You grinned, remembering the last you’d driven him somewhere and had forced him to endure the dulcet tones of Corey Taylor.

“Your car, your rules boss man.” You climbed into the passenger side, buckling yourself in and waiting patiently.

Ten minutes or so later and you were off.

“You and Dr Reid really need to sort your differences out you know.” Aaron glanced at you.

“Sir, it’s not like we have that many differences. You know that I respect him and even admire him somewhat. He just….. Doesn’t shut up sometimes.”

“Not unlike someone else I know, sitting not too far from me.” His tone less stern than it had been before.

“Oh hush now. You enjoy hearing me talk, when I get the chance to….. That’s part of the issue. He rarely gives anyone else the chance to talk, always jumping in and interrupting people.”

“Yes but if you’ll recall, his ‘jumping in and interrupting people’ has saved our asses on a number of occasions.” He pointed out.

“True….. But, maybe sometimes I want to be the one to point out how long it would take cross from the gulf of Mexico to France in a one person manned row boat for once.”

Your boss laughed at you and directed his attention back to the road.

It wasn’t that you hated Spencer, or even disliked him. You DID respect his intelligence and ideas, and it was true that his theories had been correct and saved you all and plenty of would be victims on numerous occasions. You got on okay with him at work, even sharing light banter and the odd joke. But he wasn’t who you’d choose to spend large amounts of time with outside of work. And when you feeling pretty shitty like today, you just couldn’t handle his sometimes condescending and preachy tone.

You must have drifted off to sleep as when you woke, the streetlights were starting to come on. Checking your watch you saw you’d been travelling for around an hour. You ran you tongue over teeth, hating that feeling you had when you woke up from a nap.

Adjusting yourself carefully in the seat, you felt a throbbing pain in the back of your head and the sudden taste of bile in the back of your throat.

“Hotch pull over, NOW. ”

The agent pulled over almost immediately, and you just about managed to push your door open wide before the vomit erupted from deep inside of you, your head pounding as you leant over the edge of your seat.

Five minutes later and you settled back into the seat, Aaron handing you a bottle of water and some napkins as he fiddled with the satellite navigation system.

“I’m taking you to the nearest hospital Y/N. We passed one a few miles back.”

“What, no! I’m fine. I swear.” You protested.

“You’ve cracked your head and now you’re vomiting. We’re going, as your boss, I overrule your decision. Better safe than sorry.”

You knew better than to argue with THAT voice and ninety minutes later you were propped up on a hospital bed, having your ankle wrapped professionally and waiting for the results of the labs they’d ran on you and the scan they’d taken of your body and head.

Hotch had made a few calls, letting the team know where you were and you could almost hear Dr Reid gloating. “I told her she needed to get herself checked out, I told her she stood a 135 percent chance of getting abducted by smurfs if she didn’t.” You mimicked his voice inside your head, seeing Hotch put his phone down as the Doctor re entered your room.

“Well your labs have come back fine and the scan looks okay. Nothing abnormal. Given the vomiting though and the size of the egg on the side your head, we’d like to keep you in overnight, just for observation. You’re going to have a pretty nasty bruise there tomorrow.” You sighed as the Doctor turned to Hotch.

“There’s a Holiday Inn two blocks up with pretty decent rates. I can see from your paperwork you’re both based in DC, and it’ll be a pretty long trip home, just to come back for her tomorrow.”

Hotch nodded. “I’ll get a room, the team can manage without me for one night. We’ll debrief when we’re back tomorrow.”

The Doctor turned back to you, smiling softly and placing his hand on your arm.

“And you’ll be pleased to know the baby is fine. Ideally, you should have told the xray technician you were expecting. Normally we don’t like to expose pregnant moms to radiation if we can help it, but I’ll attribute the bang on your head to you not ticking that box on your forms. What are you now, ten to twelve weeks?”

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