Part Ten

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"So, question for you guys? Is this baby gonna be a 'Reid' or a 'Y/L /N." Derek asked from across the table.

Another three weeks had passed, and the team had been called away again. The unsub had been caught after a nine day chase and you were all ridiculously exhausted. You ached all over and you blamed your pregnancy hormones for the extra bitchiness you were feeling right now.

"Reid" Spencer answered, just as you responded with "Y/L/N."

Your eyes narrowed and you slowly turned to face your colleague.

Dereks eyes widened at the two of you as it suddenly dawned on him that he had crossed into dangerous territory. Very dangerous territory.

"I don't think so Spencer."

"Erm well I do. You get to carry her for nine months, and be the primary carer and what do I get? Not a lot apart from visitation rights whenever you deem suitable." He was cranky too, the bags under his eyes darker than normal.

Okay. Trying desperately not to bite, you stood and moved to the empty seats at the back of the jet. Everyone was tired and you were in no mood to argue with Spencer. You'd been doing so well recently, and he seemed to be realising more and more what annoyed you. His comments had reduced and he didn't interrupt you as much, although you could actually see his hands clenching and him having to bite his tongue when he knew the answer to something.

"Nice move Derek." You heard Emily mutter.

"Well how was I meant to know. Plus it's a valid question."

You settled back down on the empty seats, rolling your jacket up as a pillow and resting it against the window.

It was a valid question. But you knew it would cause an argument. And you just didn't have the energy for it.

But apparently Spencer did, as two minutes later he plopped down into the seat next to you.

"Are we gonna talk about this?" He asked as you looked at him wearily.

"I'm kinda trialling the 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all' theory."

"But we do need to talk about. We need to talk about a lot of things."

"We probably do, and perhaps one of those things should be that I didn't particularly appreciate the implication that you'll only get to see your daughter when I deem suitable. I've given you my word that we'll come to some arrangement that will suit us both."

"Well I'm sorry if I don't seem to have much faith in your word. Given the fact that up until five weeks ago you weren't even going to tell me about her, kind of makes me want to get certain things like her surname and when I actually get to see her set in stone. " His tone was bitter and scathing and although you could see his point, it still cut straight to the bone.

"Spencer..... I'm not in the mood to have a full blown argument with you in the middle of the jet. I've promised you, we'll come to an arrangement when she's born. And as for her surname, I want my child to have to same last night as me."

"Well so do I."

You weren't about to point out that you could quite easily go and register her name and birth without his involvement. You didn't want to be THAT person.

"Reid please. I'm so tired right now. I can't deal with you griping at me today. Can you just drop it. I promise we'll talk over the weekend." You felt like you were going to burst into tears, hating the life inside of you for making you feel so emotional.

Spencer glanced at you, hearing the emotion as your voice cracked. His expression softened towards you.

"Okay. Promise we will though? I'm sorry for getting at you. I'm just..... Scared that you're going to change your mind about involving me in this again."

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