Sweet And Salty

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Sleeping was becoming a problem. Seven months pregnant and your bump seemed much larger this time although it definitely wasn’t twins. You’d made the ultrasound technician promise you it wasn’t twins enough times, you weren’t sure how you could cope.

Everything seemed more intense with this baby than it had with Little S. Diana and the female members of the team all said it pointed towards you having a boy but you and Spencer weren’t so sure. You’d chosen not to find out the sex this time although you were sure that Spencer knew. He’d studied the ultrasound video with heavy concentration and then later, you’d found him reading an article on “how to read ultrasounds”. You’d whacked his arm and told him off.

It didn’t help that this summer seemed to be having one of the worst heatwaves you’d experienced. Add to that, the annoying fact that your body was already warmer than normal because of the life you were cooking inside it, and you were in literal hell. You threw off the thin sheet you’d been sleeping under and hauled yourself out of bed as quietly as you could, padding downstairs to see if there were any pretzels and chocolate left and to check if the slushy you’d bought earlier and had frozen half of, had survived.

Padding through the kitchen and rubbing your tummy absent mindedly, you groaned when you discovered that you’d demolished your whole stash of chocolate and pretzels, the salty sweet goodness being your craving of choice. Not the pre covered pretzels, they weren’t salty enough. You’d stand there yourself, melting chocolate over a bain-marie and stirring in the saltiest pretzels you could find. Spencer would then force you to take extra vitamins and drink more water because too much salt was bad for you and the baby and even Little S would parrot him, although she could easily be bribed to not tell him if you shared your second craving with her. The sweet, frozen goodness that was Slushies. You didn’t care what flavour although you’d always ask for grape and cherry mixed as the first choice. You drank at least two a day, adding in extra pregnancy yoga to help counteract all the additional calories you were consuming. You were past the point of caring though. The drinks helped cool your firery body down and you needed one now.

The drink had survived being stashed in the freezer so you quickly ran it under the hot water faucet to soften it up as it had completely frozen, stirring it vigorously until it became drinkable. Ugh.. The cool sugary icyness of it tasted better than sex right now and you let out a satisfied groan.

“I thought I was the only one who could make you groan like that?”

You dropped your drink in surprise, ice particles splashing over your feet as you spun around to glare at your husband.

“Right now it’s a different sort of groaning. That was my last one Spencer… I need it!”

You wanted to cry as you squatted down to clean it up, grasping the paper towels.

“Shit, I’m sorry Y/N.” Spencer rushed over to help you, using his hand to brush handfuls of the ruined drink into the now empty cup.

“You will be. I can’t sleep and that was the only thing that would have helped. Well, that and pretzels, but I don’t have any of those left. The drink would have done it though.”

Spencer finished cleaning up the mess and stood up, taking your hands and tugging you up with him.

“You know how bad they…”

“Don’t even” you cut him off “I’m gonna go to the store.”

“Y/N, it’s 2am” your husband protested.

“And I can’t sleep.”

“I’ll go. Go back to bed and I’ll go. Tell me what you need.” Spencer placed his hands on your tummy, rubbing it gently.

“Well… Seeing as it kinda is your fault.”

He rolled his eyes at you and reached for his keys.

“You’re going in your pajamas?” Spencer was stuffing his feet into his converse, still wearing his pajama pants and an old t-shirt.

“Yep. It’s not like they’ll be many people around. Cherry and grape right?”

“And the saltiest pretzels you can find. Oh, and chocolate.”

“Alright, alright. Now go back upstairs. Read or something until I get back.”

“Are you gonna melt my chocolate for me too then?”

“You want to eat them now?” You nodded at him.

“Fine, I’ll melt the chocolate for you too.”

“NOT in the microwave this time…. ”

“Yes yes… I learnt my lesson last time.”

“Okay… Don’t be long.” You reached over to kiss him on the cheek and took yourself back upstairs to await his return.

Twenty minutes later, you heard his car pull back onto the drive and the quiet sound of your front door shutting. You were laid out on your bed, pajama pants off and your top rolled up, exposing your rotund belly. You’d directed a fan onto yourself, and were enjoying the cool air as you scrolled through pictures on your phone to pass the time. Another ten minutes went by before the stairs creaked and your husband pushed the door to the bedroom open, a tray in his hands.

“My ladies snacks are ready and prepared.” He lowered the tray onto your lap and bowed.

“Why thank you kind sir. Now please, do come join me in whilst I consume said snackage.”

He grinned and stripped back down to his boxers, crawling onto the bed next to you. You hungrily started dipping the pretzels into the bowl of melted chocolate, stuffing your face, your fingers quickly getting covered.

“Mmmmm” the cravings started to subside almost immediately as you overloaded on the combination of salt and sweet, licking your fingers.

Offering one to Spencer, you saw him screw up his face as he took one of the two slushies on the tray and started to suck it up through the straw.

“You’re missing out.” You told him, scraping the last bit of chocolate goodness from the bowl.

“I’m really not.” He continued to slurp away at his drink, handing you yours and taking the tray from you, placing it on the floor on his side of the bed.

You took a long sip, feeling cooler and more relaxed instantly.

“There’s four more in the freezer by the way. And another two bags of pretzels and two bars of chocolate.”

“Have I told you recently how much I love you?” You smiled lovingly at him.

“Yes… But seeing as we’re both wide awake, I can think of another way you can tell me.”

You laughed at him and you both placed your drinks on your bedside tables and quickly scooted together.

“You have chocolate on your chest.”

You looked down to see that, yes you did.

“Clean it off then.”

Spencer licked his lips and lowered his mouth to your chest and you settled back, happy that the three things that the three things you’d been constantly craving throughout this pregnancy were being attended to all in one night.

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