Part Three

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Six weeks had passed. Six week of you knowingly being with child. Six weeks since your stupid brain and body had made the decision for you that your life was changing forever.

Woopty fucking doo.

You'd cried a lot for the first few days. Cried for the life you would have to leave behind, cried for the countless hours of sleep you'd lose, the alone time you'd rarely have for the next eighteen years and you cried for the mess this child would make of your body.

And then you found yourself crying and admonishing yourself for being a selfish cow.

You'd had a surreal moment where you'd sat with a bottle of vodka uncapped in front of you, daring yourself to drink it; you didn't want this baby, maybe if you treated it badly enough whilst it was still inside you, might just, not end up coming out.

Then you'd realised that you genuinely were possibly the worst person in the world to be wishing that, and you quickly poured the vodka and any other alcohol you had in the house away.

You'd returned to work on the Monday, having spent Sunday writing out your action plan, finally coming to terms with the fact that you were going to have to deal with this, and you were going to have to be an adult about it.

Hotch had remained your fairy godmother of sorts. He'd discreetly started giving you the less active tasks when you were out on cases, making sure you were always accompanied by someone if you had to be out in the field. He'd respected your wishes and not informed the team of your impending doom,....sorry, impending motherhood and you and him had had a long talk about your future within the BAU.

You were going to hide your pregnancy from the team for as long as possible, working as far into it as your body and health would allow. When the baby was born, you'd take at least six months off, before reviewing your options again.

You had every intention of moving away from the city once you gave birth to the demon spawn that was ruining your life. Not, to be closer to your parents though. But just somewhere you could have a new start.

You didn't want to leave the team, you adored each and every one of them, even Reid in your own way, annoying as he was, and you loved your job. But you knew once IT was born, that you wouldn't be able to stay.

Luckily, you didn't need the money. You were fortunate in that way at least. Your maternal grandfather had been renowned film director Teddy Montgomery, and when he'd passed, you'd been gifted a large part of his estate in his will. You worked because you wanted to, enjoyed it. Your Gramps speciality had been film noir and you would accompany him on sets when you were a small child is what had piqued your interest in crime.

You could easily live the rest of your life just off the money he'd left you, but that wasn't the sort of person you were. Instead, you banked the money, using it to buy yourself a house, and splurging only very occasionally. You hid your families wealth from the rest of the team, only confessing it to Hotch a few weeks ago when he'd asked about your monetry situation, concerned about you being able to cope without the father on the scene.

He'd been shocked when you'd told him, revealing that 'The Blue Murder Club' was one of his favourite movies. Two days later, you'd turned up at his home, handing him a framed film cell from the movie that you'd acquired. You had tons of random stuff like that from his movies, your three bedroomed home full of them. Your older sisters had not been interested at all in your grandpa's filmmaking skills, only the money that had come with it so when he'd died, you'd ended up with quite a collection. Something else that was worth a fortune to the right collectors, but things which you knew you'd never sell.

He'd insisted that you stay for dinner and spend some time with him and Jack and you'd obliged, knowing he was trying to get you to spend more time around small children to lessen the blow.

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