'Heard' - Liam Imagine

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You were unaware that Liam and the other boys from One Direction had arrived at your and Liam's house. You were in the kitchen making a cake and singing along to your favourite song that was softly playing on the music channel on the TV.

As the boys entered, they stopped dead in their tracks. ‘Is that..’ Niall began but didn’t finish. The boys stayed hidden in the entryway, whilst you were still completely oblivious to the fact that they were there. You sang the last line of the song and slipped the cake into the oven. As soon as you stopped singing, you heard clapping. And cheering. Then it dawned on you. They had heard you. Your cheeks turned a bright pink as all five boys walked into the kitchen. Zayn, Louis and Harry sat on the bar stools and Niall leaned on the counter. Liam walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He kissed your cheek. No one said anything for a moment, they just sat there smiling at you.



It's short. I know. I had severe writers block, so no judgement. :p

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