Twilight of the Padawan part 1

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Note from the author... Okay guys get ready for some of the most epic chapters I have ever written... If not, they're THE best! Note: these chapters will be EXTRA long, so if you get bored when your reading for too long then... I don't know what to say. Note: these few chapters will be epic so get ready for the feels (possibly tears) and.... Well we wouldn't want to spoil that now would we? Ok here we go!!!

Ezra's continued pov.... Debbie or as she calls herself "Termina" stood in front of me. The shine of her tight black suit glinted like the moon, her buckled black boots leaving dark shadows with each step. Her light sabers hung at her hips, swaying in the sheaths. "Lucky you...", She paused, "I was chosen to perform the operation on you..." She says with a devlish grin I imagine the empire thinks is nothing "Operation?" I ask. "Yes child... and- oh don't worry, it won't hurt a bit!" A sinister smile forms across her lips that are as red as her sabers. "What did this to you Debbie?" I ask her. The burn in the corners of my eyes tells me im close to crying. She growls, "Termina!! And why would you be worrying about me child? I am much better this way... And if I were you I would be concerned about my own safety." She says snickering. "But know this padawan!! Your master cannot save you and neither can your idiot rebel friends!" She shouted. "My friends aren't idiotic!!! Whatever has happened to you, you aren't the same Debbie I met when I was comfused and lost." I say leaning close to her face. "I have had it with talking to you! I will now begin my plan and you will watch as your little rebellion crumbles... Then you will crumble with it." She says clenching her hand into a fist. "No you won't lay a finger on my friends! And if you do I swear you'll be the one to crumble!" I yell trying to control my anger. "One day the rebellion and the jedi will be all turned into stories we tell to our children, and my personal favorite will be about the boy who tried fighting back against the empire and was never seen again." She says placing a finger on my head and quickly taking it away. "I'll tell the children I got to see the light leave that.... Poor child's eyes, I'll tell them his friends screamed at the sight... I'll tell them the horror within... And I'll tell them that I was the one that killed him." She said smiling. "I won't let this happen!" I say struggling. "Oh Ezra my plan is already in play." She says looking away.

Hera's pov..... Ezra! Where had he been taken to? Troopers held my arms tight, I knew if I wanted this mission to be completed then I'd need backup. Just then with quick thinking I slam one trooper into the wall and he falls.... Then they begin to fire. I fire back and duck and within a instance their all down. I sigh and begin to find a way out.
Outside..... I turn on my com, "Guys I need you I'll give you the cords.." I pause. "Did you find Ezra?" Kanan asks. "Yes but that's not important right now..." I say. "Okay sector 2 state.." He pauses and I read him the location. "Alright we'll be there soon sector 2." He says. "Okay sector 1." I say a bit worried. "Be safe Hera." He says turning the com off. I nod,

Back to Ezra.... "You know kid... You remind me of a younger picture of myself, I mean different genders and names of course." She says about to say something but Ezra interrupts. "You mean like by blood?" I ask. "No you just act like how she used to act... Which is something that needs termination." She says stomping. "Debbie I know your still in there, I can see the same happiness in your eyes through the rage and confusion." I say trying to snap her out of it. "I still see the Debbie I met a few weeks ago... Where is she Debbie!!?!? Where is she!!??" I yell as loud as I can. "Ezra.." She whispers. "Yes?" I ask having a feeling that she's back to normal. "She's dead." She says gripping on my neck with the force.. I start to loose hope as my life slowly slips.

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