Chapter 33

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Matt's Pov:

I messed up, and I messed up bad. I watched Brandon limp up the stairs. I hear the door slam shut and I fell to my knees crying. And yelling at my self. I felt a hand on my back, I looked up and I saw Vikk standing over me.

He help me stand up and hugged me.

(N: Matt, P: Preston, R: Rob, V: Vikk, L: Lachlan, M: Mitch, J: Jerome)

V: Calm down Matt.
N: How can I. Brandon is mad at me.
M: He is mad at all of us.
L: And he has a valid reason to.
P: He didn't even care that his leg hurt still.
J: I don't think he was over reacting either.
V: I think this is the maddest I have ever seen him.
N: I did break a promise.
R: I forgot you made it.
N: I mad it in the hospital to get him to fall asleep. I must have forgotten about it.
L; I remember that. Before the Charlie attack.
N: Yes.

Suddenly I heard the door open and slam again. I also heard a few cuss words. But then I saw Brandon at the top of the stairs, this time with his crutches. He sat down and careful made his way down the stairs. He made it, but when he went to stand up he fell and yelped in pain, I went to walk over to him, but he got up by him self and went into the kitchen. He came back out with an ice pack, and went to go back up the stairs, but turned around and sat in the chair, the one fathers away from all of us. He propped his leg up, and the cringe on his face looked like it hurt a lot, but when he put the ice pack on he let out a sigh of relief and closed his eyes.

I looked at his hands and I saw the crappy job of wrapping he did. I let out a sigh, and walk close to him. He heard and opened his eyes.

(B: Brandon)

N: Princess I am really sorry. I forgot I made that promise. If I remembered I would have stayed you know that.
B: I know that, but I am still angry. Well mostly sad.

I knelt down next to him and I put my hand on his heathy leg. It looked like he relaxed a little bit more but I pushed at aside.

N: I know and I am sorry, we all are.
V: Very sorry,
P; Sorry I blamed it on Charlie.
M: Sorry for accusing you of overeating .
R: Sorry.
L: Sorry.
J: We love you Pete and we didn't mean to hurt you.
B: You didn't hurt me.
R. Them why?
B: I was mad, mostly at Matt, but then the amusing.....
P: Well I am sorry.
N: And Princess I am sorry for not being there.
B: I forgive you, Matt, and all of you, and I am sorry my self. I
M: There is no need for you to be Sorry Pete.
B: I was yelling at all of you and love I hear you cries, and that hurt me. reliving I hurt you, when that was one thing I was always trying not to do....

I carful grab one of his hands and he smiled. I kissed it before kissing his head,

N: Yes, I was hurt, but that was because I hurt you. And I promise that I will try and be there when you wake up.
B: You don't have to love.
N: But I want to. I want to make sure you are okay.

He smiles
B: You are to kind. And I love you.
N: I love you most.

I carefully pick him up and I set him in my lap and start playing with his hair.

V: Pete are you okay from falling down the stairs?
B: Yes, I just landed on my leg.
N: And can I patch up you hands better now?
B: Yes, I didn't do a very good job.

I laugh and so do the others, I carry him up to the bathroom and I quickly clean the cuts and I cover them.

B: Thank you love.

I kiss him on the cheek and I take his glasses off on his face.

B: Love you know I can't see.
N: I know that is why I did it, now just hold them.
B: Fine.

I pick him up and carry him down the stairs to see them still watching "Doctor Who"

N: Do you recognize what this is.
B: Yea it is "Doctor Who"

N: You can even tell whos voices on the Television?! WOW!
B: How do you think I learned?
N: Okay.
B; Can I have my glasses back now please.

I give him back him glasses and after he takes it I pull him to his feet and carry him into the kitchen and set him on one of the stools, I give him a new ice pack and I start to make breakfast.

{Editting} Can I Be Loved?  (A NoochZahHutt FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now