4K Thank You! (Then Random Info)

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Just at the end of this book it hit 4K Reads! Thank you all so much! I am glad you enjoyed it and I am sorry that I broke all of your hearts in Chapter 59

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Just at the end of this book it hit 4K Reads! Thank you all so much! I am glad you enjoyed it and I am sorry that I broke all of your hearts in Chapter 59. (I broke mine to) I am so Thank you that some many of you enjoyed this story. It has been three month since I started writing this and I loved writing every second of it. Okay well not the parts where they got hurt. But this is just a little thing to say thank you!

Random info here

So I have a Vikklan, Poofless, and Merome coming out along with one of my own stories that I have worked on for a while. I am so happy to be uploading more stories because I absolutely Love to write stories. I swear that writing it the only creativity I have.

I also am taking request for my One-Shot book, so if you have any Ideas I would love to hear them, just no Smut request, I am sorry but I can't write those, mentioning abuse is one this but writing about it is another and I can't write that. But anything else I be happy to write.

Thank you all!


{Editting} Can I Be Loved?  (A NoochZahHutt FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now