A Start

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We all stand at the door, checking we have everything. We look like a movie-cover, or a poster. If only that was the case. I get the ready glance from everyone and walk back out into the light. It was still mid-day from the looks of it so we'd have a while. "Let's jog or something," Zach barks. I look around to see if that's okay and everyone seems to agree, of course we're physically fit but I had to check since we just ate. I begin to jog and keep a steady pace in-between Zach and Alex. Ember and Max are in the back again and I look over my shoulder to check on them often. They're definitely the lengthiest of the group, but they can withstand a little jog, and occasionally a run. Before the breakout, I dreaded running the mile required for gym. I'd finish later than all my athletic peers, and much more out of breath. I look back and wonder who's all dead now, obviously I would assume the populars did, but I flailed in gym and here I am, so maybe not. I realized I zoned out when Alex slightly nudges me, and my eyes clear their glaze. I used to do that often, shift into auto-drive while doing something, you know, keep doing it without thinking about it specifically. Like riding a bike or something, at first when you're young or starting, you focus strongly on the pedals and nothing else, keeping your balance and moving was the most important thing. I guess the apocalypse is kinda like riding a bike in that way. But later it just comes naturally and you think about school or friend stuff while riding, and you still get where you want to go. I'm more cautious about it now as the obvious hazards, so I guess I slipped while I felt protected. I look at Alex and give him a reassuring smile before looking to Zach and then behind me. Max seems a little worn out but the rest of us are barely revving our engines. Ember sees my glance and smiles, she's so darn cute. Suddenly I hear a crash and snap my vision back to the front. There's about 3 Z's messing around with a car, it seems they just managed to break the back window, and they might be starting on the sides. We all seem to slow our pace and wonder if we should end them or pass as quickly as we could. They break through the side window fast and the car lets out a piercing alarm. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. I see Ember immediately cover her ears. I might've done the same thing if I didn't see something out of the corner of my eye. "Get on the car!" I yell. Everyone knows I'm talking mainly to Ember, as the others can stronghold their way through stuff. I draw my sword and shank the first Z by the car. With cat-like reflexes, Em climbs her way up and stands on the roof off the vehicle. I see her shoot the second Z, and the third seemed to have disappeared, but I know the others have just taken care of him already. I quickly yank the arrow out of #2 and hand it back up to Em, she'll need all the ammo she can get. I look and see Zach behind the open car door, pointing some gun out the shattered window. Alex is on the other side in a similar position and Max is scrambling to get on top of the roof. The alarm is still piercing our eardrums but we're focused on something a little more important. Obviously we weren't the only ones to hear it, as a bunch of Z's start filling in. I twist my sword in my hands and kind-of grin. We're totally prepped for this and it'll be a good morale booster/ way to let out any steam or anything. I flex my knees and bounce a little. I can make out at least 10 Z's from the front, not including from sides or behind. "Hey, Alex, move over to Zachs side but face him." Both of the boys look at me with suspicion. "Do what Zachs doing but the opposite way. So you can get the ones coming from the back and you both cover each other."  They nod and rearrange. It's a good strategy, just different. Whatever they can't see or shoot, Ember will hopefully get. I look back and see another 10 Z's have joined the group. I smirk and start running at them.

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