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We get a good ways through town just singing to ourselves. As it get dark, we stop at a little two-story coffee shop and although it's locked, we go and break in the back door. Surprisingly, its already clear, maybe it got ignored in all the panic and riot here. We squeeze onto a small cushy couch and spend the night, exhausted, we pass out almost as soon as we hit the cushion. I wake up to the smell of crushed beans and water infiltrating my nose. "Coffeeee," I moan out. I rub my eyes and grogginess away, looking around to see Alex fixing cups of coffee. I toss my canteen at his back and soon hear it hit the floor, "fill that for deliciousness on the go." I walk over to see he heated up some rain water with fire and took it through the machine, it must have took a while to make, "thank you," I say. I walk back and sit down, pulling out some cereal. I'm already shoveling it into my mouth when Alex walks over with the mugs and containers, we hardly ate yesterday, so I offer him some of my prize. He takes a few handfuls and sips of his drink before speaking, "Hurry up, we have to move fast today, we'll get out of New York soon, then Connecticut, New Hampshire, then to Bangor Maine." The capitol then, it'll take weeks, especially on foot. I quickly sip my drink and put away the still half-full box of cereal. Standing, I put on my bags and belt and walk to the door, he pulls out his gun and walks protectively behind me, allowing me to lead the way. Today's just a day for silence, as neither of us speak until we reach the "Now Entering Connecticut" Sign, and even then, I just slap it and he grunts in acknowledgement. Neither of us are mad, just energized and more aware of the things around us, we're sort of just...listening. A few miles into Connecticut, its exactly what we needed. I'm looking down and walking when a hand wraps around my waist and I gasp. I look up and see I was just about to walk straight into a wall, I guess I was distracted thinking, although it's nice to know he was watching me. "Sorry," I mumble, but he just kisses the back of my head and releases. I walk around it and continue walking, trying to keep my mind clear. We get about a fourth of the way before we decide to pick up the pace and jog, soon we'll get to Hartford, just like NY, there will be more Z's but more supplies too. I keep pushing myself until I get to a green sign- "Hartford!" It was a million times longer a run than what I used to die over in gym, but i'm still bent over panting as Alex slides up next to me. He's a silent runner like me, but he does breathe a little heavier alongside me. I stand with my arms on my hips, looking over at him, he just nods once again, signaling he's ready to go again. I turn again and step into the city, it used to be pretty big too. There's more Z's around than normal for some reason so I draw my sword just in case, dragging it around with one hand. CRASH! I jump a little and look behind me, Alex looks a little startled too and shrugs. Lifting my sword a little, I jog towards whatever caused the ruckus. Upon arriving to the scene, my minds racing, there before me, I see 3 people fighting off a giant horde. "ALEX!" I scream. He races up to my side, "Wtf?" "Just fucking help," I almost holler. I launch into full-attack-mode, I've been dying to shed some blood. There's two boys with some types of guns, and a girl on top of a car shooting a cross-bow, I decide to help the girl as it takes a while to reload a bow and shes getting a little swarmed. Running over, I shout, "Reload! I'll cover you!" I slash through multiple zombies as she puts in another arrow and shoots it into some Z's skull, a straight hit before she reloads again. She's fully capable, which is probably why those boys left her on her own, but there's a lot for how slow it takes. I look over and see Alex and the other two making a triangle shape, back-to-back, smart idea. So Alex really can handle that gun, and look sexy as hell doing so. I focus back on my section of the horde and slash away at a few, stepping onto the side of the hood to decapitate another and make sure not to block the girls view. Blood splatters across my face and I spit some out of my mouth. A hand reaches out to grab my leg and I smash and grind it beneath me, as a arrow slips by my head, in-between his eyes. "Thanks," I shout up, and I can sense the girl nodding. Looking over, the boys seem to be done with their half and just staring at us in awe. I chuckle to myself and spear the last Z through the chest at the same moment another arrow flies through and lands in his brain. We're all amazing, but us girls in personal hand-on-hand combat it seems. I turn around to high-five the girl and I see a face I recognize. We both freeze as a million images and memories flood my systems.

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