The Feast

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There's bodies strewn about but we've gotten used to the fact and step around them. Max soon joins us in the kitchen and we all scavenge. Max attempts to turn on a faucet but it obviously doesn't turn on, and I shake my head at how foolish he seems to be. We look through fridges of long-rotten meat and cheeses. There's no soup cans apparently as this is an "all-organic restauranté". A gruff voice speaks, "I found the lotto guys, jerky hanging on ropes. Jerky doesn't spoil or whatever and their seems to be an abundance." Of course Alex would find the jerky, but hey, I'm not one to complain. I used to eat a lot of store packaged beef jerky at home, so I'm sure this jerky is tasty as well as fulfilling. Ember shouts that she found some bread, obviously most of it is molded, but some's definitely okay, stale, but okay. She found stale crackers too but they're perfectly fine otherwise. For the rest of us? Nada, but that's okay. "I'll bring a table in here, Alex grab some chairs," Zach orders. I pull out my cardboard and matches and start a fire on the stove. I delicately look through my backpack, finding all of my bean soup. I hear a little grunting and glance over my shoulder to see a table being set up and chairs scooting in. "Hey Alex? Could you hand me some of that jerky?" I ask while pouring beans into a pot. He smiles and starts tearing it into bits for me. Ember whispers, "I'll put the bread and crackers on the table for the soup." We were quite frankly starving, but today we would have a feast of kings! Alex slides the torn-up jerky into the pot and we sit and wait while it cooks. "So guys, I think we should start on again after this. Maybe face a horde, try to get a radio working, I don't know, just something," I insist. Everyone seems to think about it for a bit, letting it settle into their brains. Zach is the first to speak up, "We would have a lot more energy after the meal, maybe we could start moving again. Everyone's feeling pretty good and we need to get to, what was it? Maine?" He looks around for confirmation and we all agree quietly. "Okay, yeah, we need to get to Maine as soon as possible I guess. So let's start walking after we eat, and if we come across a horde, we'll be fit, full, and ready to fight." It was a speech for champions, and I suppose, technically, we were. Breaking away from the group, I get up to stir the pot a final time. "Hey guys, since this actually is a resteraunt, try to find some bowls and silverware. Don't grab just spoons, get forks too, maybe even a few knives, we can take those along with us. The bowls are just for the soup obviously." I call out. Everyone grunts a little because searching for things is "tedious work". There were four of them, and we were in a kitchen, it wouldn't be that hard. Ember walks to the back and makes a gagging noise, so I inquire that she found all the 9-months-old dirty dishes, still waiting to be washed,rinsed, and reused. Max plugs his nose and walks to the back, intending to bring back some bowls or something. They both shuffle back to the table, set down their items, and take a giant gulp of nice air. Everyone chuckles a bit at their dramatic show, and we're set in even higher spirits. I collect everything and start scooping soup into the five bowls, setting them on the table as I go. With all the bowls filled, there's still about half a pot left. Hearing the scooting of chairs, I turn and sit in mine. The aroma of the fresh, warm soup seeps up into my nostrils, my stomach growls a little as I prepare myself. Just as I lift my spoon, I hear a slight sigh. I look back up to the table and see Max a little upset. I roll my eyes, "What's his deal?" The three quickly look up and notice him. Ember speaks softly, "Um..he wants to pray.." I accidentally snort loud and try covering my laughs. "I barely believed in God before-hand, even if there is one, look at what he did. There's no God in this fucking world, and if there is, fuck him." Alex and Zach nod along, verifying that's how they feel too. Ember looks down at her own lap as if she's not sure and Max goes back to his solitary state. Suddenly the soup doesn't seem as appealing, but it's still warm so I lift my spoon and start shoveling it into my mouth. Soon the others start too, but Max sits there staring at his bowl. Even as we get seconds, we leave the extra for Max in case he decides to eat. We stuff our mouths and stomachs with soup and bread and crackers and soon the rooms practically lit up again. The things a good, warm meal can do. Eventually we've had our share and we sit at the table laughing and joking around. If it wasn't for the bodies everywhere and blood-stained clothes, hair, and even skin, you wouldn't have even noticed that we were the only ones here for miles around. It seemed normal, like a dinner among friends, or even family. Of course including the whiner-child that refused to eat until he got his way. I seriously wondered how he survived this long, obviously with Zach and Ember, but why did they even accept him into their "circle" puzzled me. Zach stood up and scooted in his chair, "That was great guys, now that we're good, let's get going." We all collectively stand, including Max. Ember quickly gathers and wipes our silverware while the rest of us gather our stuff.

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