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Nissa Evans was a fighter. She knew that and the people around her knew that. There wasn't really a lot that could get under her skin. She was tough. Made out of steel forged out of the long lineage of strong women in her family. She always gave as good as she got. Never backing down from a fight.

'Never pull back a punch. If you fall, rise again with swinging arms.' Words every Evans lived by.

So why was it that the chubby, blue-eyed little monster in front of her, fazed her? Why was the spoiled, mama's boy getting under her skin?

Because he was Austin Dashwood.

The name alone made her want to scream. He was possibly the most annoying kid in her grade. A brat who kicked and yelled to get what he wanted. It was dumb. Nissa was young but her mom had taught her that throwing a tantrum wouldn't get you far.

"Why did you do that for?" she asked, her eyes fixed on the teddy bear's head in Austin's left hand.

"Because it was ugly," he answered, his lips curving into a grin that made her want to hit him. Oh how she disliked Austin. He was mean and a bully.

"I hate you, you're mean, ugly and a bully." She knew the moment she was in trouble when Austin's eyes flicked up to something over her head and then back down to her, his eyes twinkling with mischief before his lip began to quiver.

"Miss Michaels, Nissa is being mean to me," he said on a dramatic sniffle, his eyes filling with unshed tears. Oh the little...

"Nissa! Is this true?" Her fifth grade teacher came into her view, her lips pulled into a tight line, her eyebrows knitted together.

Uh oh.

"He started it, miss Michaels, he tore the head off of my teddy," she pointed a finger in Austin's direction, "see?"

Miss Michaels turned towards an innocent-looking Austin.

"Oh it was already like this when I found it, miss Michaels, I was only trying to help," he shrugged innocently. Nissa's jaw fell in a gasp at his lie.

"No it wasn't! And no you weren't!" She argued, a scowl on her tiny face.

"Yes it was and yes I was!" He fought back, making her growl.

"Enough!" Miss Michaels cut in, placing her hands on one of their shoulders each, she turned them towards the classroom. "You're both spending the rest of recess indoors thinking about what you did."


"I don't want to hear it from either of you," she interrupted their protests, guiding them towards their classroom.

Nissa turned towards Austin and she scowled. This was all his fault. Someday she would make Austin pay.


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