Chapter 4

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(Author: Hey guys sorry for not updating in a while I was busy with all of this school crap and other stuff going on at the same time. So I'm sorry again and I just hope that you guys enjoy the story that I had written so far.

I ate another spoonful of cereal as I looked at them two until Luke speaks. "Your here because....," he starts then turns to Calum. "Your my half sister." He spits it all out as his face turns to a light shade of pink and red. I sat back taking in the thought of Luke being my brother and where this must all began. I'm a little happy and peed off at the same time so I have no idea how to react to this. It might been nice if they did tell me without you know KIDNAPPING ME! "Why couldn't you just call me then? Or set up something with my Aunt and Uncle to have me meet you guys without being pulled into a van after I blackout from slamming my body into a fucking sign?!" I asked with rage and anger but tried to keep it in,but failed. We thought that it would be a way to keep fans from seeing us,but also we thought that we...can surprise you." Calum said looking up from his cereal bowl. "You motherfuckers didn't think that I would run away? I screamed to the top of my lungs so you surprised the shit out me!" I calmed down a little and joked at the end to Calum's remark. Calum smiled but hung his head down. I know that I shouldn't be angry but like I said I don't know how to react. After a long moment of silence I began to start up a normal conversation. "So when would I get to go home?" I asked while leaning back on the stool. "We had an idea of bringing you on our next tour which is coming up in a couple of months if you wanna go?" Luke asks me. "Yes I would love that! Are you kidding me?!" I yelled with excitement jumping up off of the stool making it fall backwards onto the ground with a bang. I bent over to pick it up and put it back in place. Then I smiled weakly at them as I put my bowl in the sink along with Luke's. Talk about bipolar. "Luke I forgot to ask you but wheres my phone it isn't in my room when I woke up. Did you guys take it?" "It's in my room. We didn't want you to call anyone before we told you about the news and stuff. Come with me I'll give it you." He tells me as I head from the kitchen to his room. We enter his room which by the looks of it is like the best room in the whole house it is amazing. "Hold on its in my nightstand." I still can't believe that this is all so real it felt so much like a dream. I haven't spent a lot of time with people that much when I was living with my Aunt and Uncle. They always work to pay the bills and to make enough ends meat. My bother on the other hand is in collage he's been there for a year or so. The only time I got to see him was when he visit which was only on holidays and my birthday. We Skype each other when he has the time which is never. My friends are always busy to with their own lives,so I don't bug them. I spent my days hiding away in my room hibernating with my mini fridge at the end of my bed,and me on top of my bed or laying against it playing on my Xbox. With these thoughts running through my mind I remembered that I need to call my Aunt and Uncle to make sure everything was ok. My thoughts were interrupted when Luke waves my phone in my face. "Earth to y/n! Hello!" I blinked my eyes to see the world once again. I smiled small at him before taking the phone. "Thanks bro. Hey maybe we can hang out some more so we can bond?" I asked. "Yeah that would be great maybe we can go tomorrow." "Yeah I think that I just want to chill out for a bit and roam around the house." "Okay have fun. Don't get lost cuz this house is huge." He warned me. "No kidding." I chuckled as we walked back downstairs. "No I'm not joking I litterly got lost when I first moved here. You can even ask the guys." Luke confess. "How?!" "I don't know I was walking down the hall and found a room and boom I was lost. It took them 3 hours to find me." We reached the bottom of the staircase. "I'm going to start my adventure wish me luck." "Good luck your going to need it,trust me." I smiled as I turned around to go down the hall where a glass door is. I looked out and saw the backyard man it's big. So I continued to roam around until I pulled out my phone to make a call. Later on when I was talking to them on the phone they told me that they already knew that this was going to happen. I didn't care as long as they knew that I was safe. I ended the call and went to the living room nobody was there. Odd then where were they? Walking down to another room I hear voices. They must be in here then as I went to the door there they were playing games. "Hey can I join?" I asked them as the four stare at me. "Yeah were playing Call of Duty." Michael informs me. I took my seat next to him since it's open. I sat there waiting for someone to die because we all are taking turns with the two controllers. After the next 10 of 15 minutes Ashton dies and hands me his as I continue in his place. We played through the levels with Michael and me leading the way. We killed a lot of zombies as the others died and passed the controllers around. "When are you going to die y/n?" "When I grow old and have saggy tits." I answer Michael's question. They all began to laugh as Michael gets down. I went over to help Cal up as I shot the zombies with my ray gun. I revived him and quickly moved out of the way to shoot the new wave that came through. Soon the game came to an end and I follow the boys to the kitchen to order pizza takeout. We ordered and ate after that I went upstairs and flung my body down on the bed and lights out. What a great first day getting kidnapped by 5sos.

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