Chapter Eleven: Accused

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     "Unbelievable!" Bruce shrieks at me, eyes burning with rage, worry and hatred. "I knew you couldn't be trusted!"

    Back in Livie's room at the hospital, Bruce explodes at me the second he finds out about Scarlet. Rather than to defend myself, I just stare at the floor and accept his screaming insults. I really can't hear them anyway. I'm still in shock from finding Scarlet, and annoyed and worried that Dick is still missing. Livie watches from her bed, propped up by not-very-comfortable pillows, saying nothing to Bruce. I don't think she can even if she wants to.

     "I can't believe I actually trusted you!" Bruce roars, waving his hands around angrily. I look up at him watching his mouth move, but hardly any sounds reach my ears. "I'm sorry." I finally mumble, kicking the ground a little with my foot. "Sorry isn't going to change anything!" I gasp and stumble back at his sudden outburst. The door opens then, and a young nurse by the name of Abigail Hayes- a chipper brunette with bright hazel eyes- slips inside, clutching a clipboard to her chest.

   "Uh, excuse me, Mr. Wayne?" She speaks timidly, fiddling nervously with the clipboard. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but Scarlet is out of surgery. They'll be moving her to this room momentarily." She explains, backing out. Bruce shoves me aside and goes after her. "Just a minute. I need to talk to you." They both leave the room.

    I look over at Livie and approach her bed cautiously. She smiles and motions beside her. I sit down and tilt my head. "How're you feeling?" I ask her gently, noticing for the first time how frail and broken she looks. Her head is wrapped in tight bandages, little strands of her black hair sticking out of it in places. Her left arm is in a cast, resting beside her. Her neck is red and bruised from being strangled. She looks tired, with dark circles under her bright green eyes. She's a little pale, but not too much.

I can't stand to see her like this. Tears escape my eyes, sliding down my cheeks. Livie gives me a concerned look and grasps my hand tightly in her bruised right one. "Don't cry, Theo." Her voice is hoarse and quiet. "It's going to be ok." I sniff and nod. I stare at her soft, pink lips curled up in a gentle smile. I look up and at her eyes.

For a moment I think of telling her about my meeting with Slade and Salem. I want to tell her that my dad isn't dead. I want to tell her that it's my fault she's hurt, Scarlet's hurt, and that Dick is missing. But I say nothing, not wanting to upset her. She needs to get better. "Livie, I lov-" I'm interrupted by the door suddenly bursting open, and a distressed Jason and Destiny running in. Bruce comes up behind them, expression full of fear. My heart stops as I think of this being about Dick. He must have been attacked!

    "They're gone!" Destiny wails, collapsing into a chair, bursting into tears. I blink in confusion. Jason goes to comfort his wife, trying to assure her everything's going to be ok. Behind Bruce doctors wheel Scarlet into the room and exit after, reminding us to call if there's any problems. Scarlet is still asleep, and very pale, breathing slowly. I face Destiny. "Who's gone?"
"The kids." Jason answers for the sobbing Destiny. "What kids?"
"Our kids!"


I'm at Wayne Manor in ten minutes. Bruce drove us, literally speeding. When I pointed out that he was going fifteen times above the speed limit he snapped at me, claiming that 'Batman doesn't need a speed limit'. I shut up after that and said nothing more.

    When we finally pulled into the driveway, Destiny was the first one out. Not even waiting for the car to stop. Alfred Pennyworth and Tabitha Vocaloid were both searching the front of the house. I got out of the car quickly and ran inside, not bothering to say hello.

    "Cleo, Ronny?!" I call as I dash down the hall, and then into the living room just off it on the right. They aren't there. "I'll check upstairs!" I hear Jason announce, listening to the soft thud of his footsteps as he runs up the stairs. I continue searching and check the kitchen, calling repeatedly as I do so. Bruce even checks the Batcave. But after we've searched the entire manor, grounds, and woods. We deduced that they're not here.

"My poor baby!" Destiny wails, clinging to a solum looking Jason. We gathered back in the living room to go over what we know. Which is nothing. "I'm sure she's fine." Jason assures her, arms around her in a tight embrace on the couch. He rocks her as he speaks. Bruce paces the room. I've seen Dick do this a million times. He does it when he's agitated, or thinking. I bet he gets it from Bruce. Alfred is in the kitchen making phone calls to ask around. He retreated to the kitchen after suggesting we make 'missing' posters. Destiny just about lost it then, and Bruce sent Alfred to make phone calls.

"I bet Camilla is responsible!" Destiny hisses and stands quickly. "She's always trying to... Trying to... To kill my baby!!!" She then falls back on the couch in heavy sobs. I have never seen her cry this hard, or much. Bruce stops suddenly and faces me. "The only one who seems fine here is you, Wellington!" He thrusts his index finger at me in accusation and approaches. I lean back as he leans close. "You disappeared earlier. Where did you go?" His breath smells strongly of coffee. I wrinkle my nose in disgust and scoot further back on the chair.

   "Bruce," Tabitha warns from beside me, shoving him back. "Leave her alone." I cast her a grateful smile, and she nods. Bruce backs off, but glares. "You had better have an alibi!"


     At this next voice we all turn to the doorway in time to watch a head of short, wicked bouncy curls, dressed in some green, short sleeved dress, run past to the couch. Destiny slides off and grabs her daughter in a tight, tear filled hug. "Leah!" She cries, running her hands through the girl's light brown hair, acting like if she were to let her go she'd disappear again.

"Don't you ever do that again, baby." Destiny lets her go and looks her up and down. Leah's green eyes are full of tears. She throws herself back into Destiny's arms. "Father..." We once again turn to the doorway. But this time it isn't a teary, hug filled reunion. Tabitha and me jump up, staring in horror at the boy. "Damian!" Bruce gasps and runs to his limping son. Damian collapses in his father's arms, coughing.

    He looks horrible. Face cut and eye swollen shut. Black, long sleeved shirt torn, and bloody, shining in the dim living room light. A long gash runs down his leg, blood running down it to the floor. "You should see the other guy." He chuckles weakly, coughing after. "Damian, who did this?" Bruce demands gently, carrying his son to the couch. Damian looks at his father, then he looks at me. "She did."

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