Chapter 3: The Duplicitous Being

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I know that people can be difficult at times and this happens because of different reasons but in this chapter I'll take you on the inside of a whole different kind of difficult, a different kind of crazy and a whole new level of disgusting. This is how I'll do the Kim chapter.
Once upon a time there was this Indian girl namely Kim. She had long hair, straight nose and she was the guys' major distraction and girls to. She was really popular and I had the "privilege" of meeting her in the 10th grade and right now, I wish I had never met her. At first I was like "this girl is very beautiful and she seems like a nice person" but let me tell you, my grandmother was right when she said "Never judge a book by its cover". #Word
I met her at the bus stop one morning when I was going to school. She seemed a bit upset and being the inquisitive yet caring person that I am, I asked her what was wrong and of course she refused to tell me because why would a stranger care about what was upsetting me. After that though, we became friends. I talked to her mostly outside of school because at school she was a totally different being. Being friends with Kim created somewhat of a soft spot in my heart. This was so because she always had some heart breaking stories but after a while those stories or anything I heard after that became null and void to me because she started to use those stories to use someone who fell in deep love with her. #Sick
Kim always told me about this girl that she's been admiring for weeks but she didn't know how to tell her. I didn't know the girl she had her eye on nor did I know the type of person the girl was but I did what a friend would do and told her to go after this girl. Two weeks later, Kim told me she wanted to meet with me because there's someone I should meet and of course I went because I'm what Jamaican people would call "Nuff" but I didn't really care #LOL. So I saw Kim coming down the road but I didn't exactly know that it was her, what I saw was her smile coming down the road. It was like she just got her teeth whitened. As she came closer, I realized that she was hand in hand with a girl and it was there and then I figured out  why she was smiling like that. When they finally reached where I was, Kim said "sup? This is my girlfriend Zoe". I was shocked as hell because Zoe was my brother's ex-girlfriend who I didn't even know liked girls. I just said "Cool. I'm happy for you". Zoe was acting as though it was the first time she was seeing me so she said "Hi. It's nice meeting you" and I just had to play along so I said "Its' nice meeting you too" #Awkward. Anyways, they dating weeks upon weeks and everything was perfect just before hurricane Kim struck.
Zoe always tried to go the extra mile for Kim and that just made Kim love her more. When we were at school, Zoe would always wait by Kim's classes no matter where the class was so although Zoe was trying to keep her little "second life" a secret, dating Kim would not allow it and I say this because Kim would always want all of Zoe's attention #Boss. By this time, Zoe had heard all of Kim's sad stories and it just made her want to cross a million more bridges for Kim to remain happy and it was working. After some time, I realized that Kim started to abuse this good treatment so every time she requested something of Zoe and she didn't get it at her convenience, she would malice Zoe just until she got what she wanted. At one point, I swore Zoe was running out of cash and honestly I stuck around just to see the outcome. Zoe never told Kim that she was having financial problems at home because she was too scared of Kim breaking up with her. What Zoe did was to start lying to her parents and other people about money she needed for school but when she got it, it would go straight to Kim's desires. At that point, I started hating Kim for who she really is but I was even more disappointed in Zoe for allowing it and I say allowing because I know that Zoe was aware of everything but she was too caught up in love that she had for Kim that she was playing oblivious. I hoped and prayed that Zoe would've woken up and realized that Kim didn't want her anymore but that didn't happen soon enough. Kim eventually started cheating with this dude and let me you, although he had money he was UGLY and if you think that I'm exaggerating believe me when I tell you that ugly isn't even enough to describe this guy. So while cheating, this little witch had the nerve to tell Zoe about this guy because she knew that Zoe wouldn't let go that easily and I so wanted to slap some sense into her. This hurricane didn't end until Kim decided that it would be better for her and Zoe to be friends and because Zoe was too tired of fighting for this relationship- that wasn't even there anymore, she just sent he a text which said "Okay, goodbye" and so the "relationship" ended. But I'll have you know that when they just broke up, Kim was crawling at Zoe's feet but that didn't change a thing. You really don't know the value of someone until they're gone.
From all of this, I can see that Kim has problems. I didn't mention it but her father being absent in her growing up sort of adds to who she is. All those sad stories that she uses to manipulate people makes her into a bad person because instead of using her stories to build herself and people who may be struggling with the same thing up, she hurts people who want to help her, hates on those doesn't even understand what she's been through and tries to stay on top -as if that will help her. She needs to find ways to move on from where she is right now although I know that it's hard to forget stuff but at least try. With all that being said, I'll just have you know that she prefers to stay in this state because she's gotten comfortable with using people who actually care for her and that's the true definition of a Coward. Everything that she stands for is pathetic and the way she treats other people is pathetic. I don't know what's happening to her right now be cause I don't talk to her  but I hope she isn't doing all that she did to others in her high school life.

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