Should We Have Our Second Chance?

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Lexa stood stiffly not knowing what to say. Its like her words were stuck in her throat and she's begging it to come out.

"Clarke, you know-..."

Clarke suddenly smiled sadly and shakes her head, "don't," she cut in, she was looking almost defeated in a war that didn't even took place, "don't even finish that sentence, Lexa. I don't need your pity. Just stay away from my life."

Lexa watches utterly crushed at Clarke's retreating figure as it climbs inside a cab. Her world was spinning around her that she stumbles back and hit a lamp post. Her hands were cold and shaking as she shoves her hair away and looks up to the sky, desperately trying to breath evenly. She doesn't know what else to do.


Once Lexa enters her apartment the feeling of weak and defenseless grew deeper. Her face cannot be painted as she floated towards her bedroom and found Raven on her bed frowning over some paper on her hand.

"What are you doing here again?" She sighs, unbuttoning her blouse, peeling it off and dumping it on the laundry basket. She turns her back against her and unhook her bra to put on a more comfortable shirt.

"What's this? I found it inside your drawer," Raven asks, waving it to her.

The girl walks over and saw it.

"What does it look like?" She asked, sighing again while shimming out of her pants and walks over to the drawer to grab a sweat pants.

Raven gave her a face, "what's wrong with you?" 


"Hmph. So why Clarke signed a cheque named after you? Pretty hefty one too," placing the cheque back inside the drawer.

Lexa crawled onto the bed and laid down. Raven was watching her, patiently waiting for her to say what's on her mind.


"Clarke and I fought again," she murmured.

"You were with Clarke?" Raven was surprised.

"Anya set us up."

The engineer nodded getting the gist. She laid down beside her and faces the ceiling. "You know, this might be the universe telling you something."

"Stop it, Raven. Nothing's going to happen between me and Clarke. She already told me to stay away from her."

"That bad?" Raven frowned, turning on her side to look at Lexa's unreadable face.

The brunette shakes her head, turns over and burrowed her face on the engineer's neck.

"Can you stay here tonight? Accompany me?"

"Of course. Anything for you,babe."


Her day was exceptionally long and draggy, there was nothing much for her to do at the ER and all her paper works were done and now she's half way out of the door when she heard a familiar voice.


Clarke turned around and found her mom walking up to her. "Hey mom, heading home too?"

"Yes. The hospital is pretty quiet today. Its been long since I get to go home this early," Abby smiles, grabbing her daughter's arm.

"Me too."

As they made their way out of the hospital ground Abby ushered Clarke to ride with her which the blonde gladly took. They were already half way home when Abby finally spoke.

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