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Before him, the world became white. Yato could feel the energy radiating off of the beam of light that should have consumed him. But it didn't.

"Hiyori!" The god's scream was blood-curdling, shaking every god and spirit there.

As soon as the shriek left Yato's mouth, the light died out and he crawled forward, slipping and sliding over the dew-drenched leaves of early dawn.

"Hiyori. Hiyori. Hiyori. Hiyori, Hiyoti, Hiyori!" The girl lay on her side, unmoving.

Yato gathered her in his arms, holding her as close as possible. He desperately tried to shield her from nothing. He gazed into her eyes, searching for anything, just anything. But they were unfocused, staring at something he couldn't see.

The broken figure in his arms twitched.


Tears spilled out from his eyes, carving rivers of liquid despair on his cheeks. "Hiyori... I'm here, Hiyori. Just hold on..."

Hold on from what?

He knew what would happen. It had happened before, in this very position---him watching, unable to do a thing. He remembered the previous Ebisu, exploding into scarlet petals, and painting him the same color. And now it was about to happen to Hiyori. His Hiyori.

Because of me.

Yato clenched his teeth and pulled Hiyori even closer to him, cradling her head between his neck and shoulder. He tried to choke back a sob, but to no avail. He hicked, and shook like a lost puppy in a storm.

"Do you see now, Sorcerer? You only bring destruction. All who touch you perish like sand in the wind." One of Heaven's warriors boomed.

"I'm not the Sorcerer..." Yato whispered.

"Do you have something to say?" Came the voice.

"I'm not the fucking Sorcerer, you shit!" Yato yelled. The ground shook.

"So you've said."

"Then listen to me!" The ground shook again.

The warrior raised his hand, signaling to his fleet. "Attack."

Yato threw his head back, locking gazes with the army's leader. "Stay away from her!"

The ground cracked and crumbled around Yato and Hiyori.


With one swift motion, he swiped at the air, hurdling a blast of air in the direction of the now-grounded warriors. Trees creaked and snapped, and some bent back, lying flat on the forest floor. The first row of mercenaries flew back, taking out some of their allies behind them.

Yato put the tsuka of a sword in his mouth, and held the other one in his right hand. He gently lifted Hiyori, carrying her with his left arm.

Then he ran.

The god didn't stop. He just ran and ran. Only one topic remained on his mind.


She didn't have much time left.

The ground slowly changed from undergrowth to grass, and then suddenly rock. Yato didn't even notice his surroundings, and was surprised to find a cave before him---densely hidden in dead shrubs.

His maddened mind screamed at him to go in, to hide, to comfort Hiyori. He didn't even hesitate to obey.

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