Get out!

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I felt my heart skip a beat , is he crazy or I'm I dreaming? this coundnt be, yes his hot and all but seriously, this boy would never notice me in school if I went nude and his here in my house asking me to marry him. This has to be a dream.
"Earth to ananda" he said , looking at me with confusion in his eyes.
"See, i don't know who you think you, that you can just come into my home and tell me shit, you treated me like crap in school and you want me to marry you to save your pity business, well your dead wrong , I am going threw heaven and hell right now and I don't need you in it, so please leave me alone" I said with anger in my voice, I was surprised I actually said that and I think Sam was surprised to because he just started at me with shock, properly wondering if this is the quite ugly ass girl they used to treat badly in school.
"Ana-" he tried to say but I don't want to hear it.
"You know what, you have spoilt my mood, get out!" I shouted
"What?" He asked with shock
"You heard me, get out!" And to my surprise he nodded and headed for the door before dropping a piece of on the floor and left.
Then I remembered, i was leaving,sadness crept threw my body, I was leaving my house and I was going to stay with I didn't know, I was going to leave with strangers who knew me but I didn't know them. I felt tears rush down my face as I faced the door, imagining my mother would come threw those doors to embrace me with the warmest hug ever and I would hug her back with care and love, and I would forgive her for everything she had done to me and we will happy together forever. But she didn't .
Instead anytime she walked threw those doors she was either drunk or mad , and out to hit me instead and give me a scar.
What is this, why is my life so complicated.
I began to get a headache from all my crying so I went to the cabinet to get Advil, I lay on my bed, looking at the ceiling and let sleep wash over me until I was out.

I woke up with an alarm, it was bloody 7 in the morning, why am I awake, then I heard a knock on the door. "It's boss man, wake up" the voice shouted.
I rushed down stairs and opened the door for him, he looked at my bag and smiled "good work" he grinned, I just looked at him with disbelief, how can just come to my house like that.
"Let's go" he said clapping his hand together and getting my bags, what! "What ?" I asked shocked at what he just said now.
"What do you what? let's go," he said
I just looked at him and make gestures to indicate that I was still in my freaking NIGHT WEAR.
he made an o shape with his mouth .
"Where are going to by the way"i asked
"Some where far" he said with a smirk on his face.

Authors note: sorry for the short chapter, I am very busy lately packing things, I know this chapter didn't make sense but I hope u can bare with me , that's y I need your help so pls pls pls and plsssssss comment on the story and tell me wat u think I should do, where should Ananaya go to, how should she die, you know, stuff like that, thanks.

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