Untitled Part 3

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when, I got home I still had the hope of seeing my mother but to my disadvantage she was not there, my home looked liked a dessert, it was so empty you could hear a pin drop, I just had twenty four hours to pack my stuff.........

.............................''promise you will come back'' the landlord said

''ok'' I said

'' your mother is bad for you, if you keep living like this you may die'' as he said those words it was like they put a knife threw my heart, the thing was that I already knew all this but I refused to accept it.

''I know'' I said which put him in a shock but I could see he didn't want to talk because he didn't want to further It more.

''just come back in the next twenty four hours, we don't have time to waste, pack all your stuff, that house is bad for you, you may not be lucky the next time'' he said softly, I could see care in his eyes, something I haven't seen for a long time since miss Helen died.

''ok'' I said.....................................

......................................so now I don't know what to pack, I don't know who to say bye to, this is all to much for me to handle, to much, where is God now, why is he letting this happening to me, I don't have any friends to say bye to, I have always been alone because everyone thought I was creepy.

I lay on the worn out sofa and let my thoughts go wild, I do that a lot. my eyes start to slowly close, I really didn't want to sleep but I have no choice. I fall asleep.

20 hours left

I woke with a pain on my back, it was normal for me when I woke up in the couch, I didn't have the strength to go to my room.

I went to the kitchen and as usual it was empty, I was so hungry, you could hear my stomach growl from miles away.

the next thing I heard a ring on the bell, I was surprised because landlord aid he was giving twenty four hours.

I went to the door and said ''you gave me twenty four hours, what are you doing here''

before I could open the door and see who it really was, '' I don't recall that now do i'', I froze when I saw who it was, it was Sam, the most cutest yet most popular boy in the hole of smith high,

''at least I heard your voice'' he said smiling, he had the cutest smile, he smile was enough to make anyone melt, he ocean blue eyes shined like there was no tomorrow, he skin was flawless, scratch that it was glowing, he had an amazing body, he was perfect, but he was a player, he broke girls heart like they were glasses.

I manage to escape his game by being on my on, by just staying alone.

''are you just going to stare or invite me inside'' he said

''so sorry come in'' I said chewing my words

''í like to hear your voice'' he said coming inside,

I could feel blood rush up to my cheeks.

''we need to talk'' he said in a more serious voice.


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