Heyy guys this is Chapter 2, Hope you like it, you know what to do!
Emma had german as her second lesson they were finding out what the weathers were:
Es schneit - It's snowing
Es regnet - It's raining
Es donnert - It's thundery
Es blitzt - It's lightening
Es friert - It's freezing
Emma's teacher was telling them loads more of weather but Emma got bored on the 5th one. She didn't think that the teacher was going to ask people to say one of the weathers. Gregg was in German with Emma, Emma couldn't take her eyes off him, till the teacher stood Emma up and asked what foggy ment in German. She stood there froozen as ice. She didn't want to look like a fool in front of Gregg. The teacher asked her again, people started to turn round to look at her. She looked at the people that were turning round.
"It it er-erm nebling?"
"That's right you finally asnwered the question."
The teacher stood Gregg up
"What is in summer?"
Staright away Gregg answered,
"In sommer"
"Well done, you got it right." Said the teacher walking to another kid.
She asked another kid called Jack, he stood up she asked him what windy ment. He stood there like a frozen ice like Emma did.
"Now I know what I looked like." whispered Emma to herself.
Emma's German class finished early, so Emma went to her locker, put her exercise books back in her locker and went to her form room.
Vicky's second lesson was French. Vicky loved it and could count up to 30:
1 un
2 deux
3 trois
4 quatre
5 cinq
6 six
7 sept
8 huit
9 nuef
10 dix
11 onze
12 douze
13 treize
14 quatorze
15 quinze
16 sieze
17 dix-sept
18 dix-huit
19 dix-neuf
20 vingt
21 vingt et un
22 vingt deux
23 vingt trois
24 vingt quatre
25 vingt cinq
26 vingt six
27 vingt sept
28 vingt huit
29 vingt neuf
30 trente
she could do it very easily and quickly, unlike Emma Vicky was listening and when her teacher asked what 4 was in Frence she said
"It is quatre"
"Well done Vicky it is"
Vicky had known French since she was 3 years old. She was very good at languages and knew German, Spanish and French.
It was the end of her Vicky's class she went to her lockers Emma wasn't there.
"Where's Emma?" Vicky thought
Vicky walked to their form room and saw Emma there sitting on the couch.
"What are you doing here?" asked Vicky.
"Sorry, my lesson finished early."
"What are you saying sorry for?"
"Because I didn't meet you in the locker room."
"Naah. It's alright."
"You sure?"
"Yeah course!"

Things Change Too Fast..
Genç KurguWhat happens when two best friends go through thick and thin together, but Emma get a boyfriend will Vicky get a boyfriend? Or will she except that Emma has one? Find out by looking at this books :D