Heyy guys! This is Chapter 8, If you like it you know what to do!
Emma and Vicky walked to their lockers, Austin and Gregg had to go to maths class.
They said at the same time.
"You first Emma."
"Gregg asked me to go on a first date with him, so I said that I would get back to him. What shall I say?"
"Err................Well I was going to ask you."
"We could go on a couple date?"
"Yeah that would be good."
"Well we would need to talk to them about it."
Emma's fourth lesson was Spanish. Emma was kind of good in spanish she listened in that lesson aswell. She could count to 30 very easy! In Spanish Emma sits next to a boring nerd which is quite good. They have to work together but Maria keeps herself to herself, so Emma just lookes over at her work and just copies it down into her excerise book.
Vicky's second lesson was Maths. Vicky liked Maths but she didn't like it when her teacher kept babbling on about what they have to do. She liked to get her head down and work. She sat next to a completely different person to Emma, Vicky sits next to a boy called Mark he didn't listen and he kept Vicky work. Except he was not allowed but he didn't care he still did it.
Emma, Vicky, Austin and Gregg all met up at their lockers. The bell rang that meant it was the end of school. They all got there stuff out there lockers, Emma and Austin were holding hands and so were Vicky and Gregg, they all caught the bus together. Emma lives round the corner from Vicky and Emma lives next to Austin and Vicky lives next to Gregg. They lived next to each other but that was before they were going out it was just a coincidence. They got off the bus and both couples kissed before they went into their houses.
Emma got changed quickly and knocked on Austin's door.
"Hello?" Austin's mom said.
"Hi, is Austin in?"
"Yes i'll get him for you."
"AUSTIN!" His mom shouted.
"A friends here."
He came down the stairs with a girl hugging him and his shirt off.
"WHO IS SHE?!?!!?" Shouted Emma.
"Hi, Im lauren im his boyfriend."
"I am aswell."
"Your a two timer." Said both the girls at the same time.
Lauren pushed past him and went outside and stood by Emma. They both stared at Gregg with a really upset face.
"Oh I forgot something." Said Emma.
"What you having being in here." answer Gregg.
"I know."
Emma slapped Gregg round the face then Lauren did. Emma ran to Vicky's house she knocked on the door. Vicky answered the door.
"Are you alright Emma?"
"No, i'm not Austin cheated on me with a girl called Lauren."
"Come in, come in."
Gregg came round because he heard someone crying.
"What's the matter?"
"Austin cheated on me with a girl called Lauren."
Thankssss guys for reading hope you like it fan me pleaseee!:D

Things Change Too Fast..
Fiksi RemajaWhat happens when two best friends go through thick and thin together, but Emma get a boyfriend will Vicky get a boyfriend? Or will she except that Emma has one? Find out by looking at this books :D