Chapter 15

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Hey guys this is Chapter 15! Hope you like it! Fan and comment!:D

"Well if you feel the same way this can happen us two together. I live just around the corner I could pop in sometimes and you know kiss and stuff." Said Darren.

"Yeah that's fine by me but I might be moving house soon."


"I moved here because well Er..... I moved schools. Because of someone."


"A girl called Vicky she used to be my best friend but not no more.''

She was pregnant but no-one knew it. She did actually move because she was pregnant but also because she had a massive fight with Vicky. Plus she seemed to not be the best of friends with Vicky now she had been away from her long enough. It felt good not being bossed around.

Because she was 2 months pregnant she didn't seem that much. But she was gonna stay there still she has had the baby. So she would return with a lovely baby. She was 19 so she wasn't under age. People thought she was fat they didn't know she was pregnant. Even Vicky thought she was fat but didn't say anything. She didn't want to hurt her feels, because when Vicky was 2 years old she was quite fat and she got bulled in Reception. So she kept her thoughts to herself.

Meanwhile Vicky was traviling to Emma's house. Her Mom had to use the satnave. Well they had to go to Tesco to buy one. The journey was about 2 hours she had already being in the car for 1 hour and was bored out of her mind. She didn't have anything to play with.

They finally arrived at her house and Vicky jumped out of the car. She ran into the house she doudged all the plumers. She then ran upstairs and headed to Emma's room, she saw Emma and Darren kissing.

''DARREN!" Vicky shouted.

"Do you know him?''

''Yeah his my boyfriend!"

"What? He asked me out just."

"Darren?'' Replied the girls together.

''which one do you pick? Me or her?'' Asked Vicky.

"I like you both.'' Darren said.


''You choose me?"

"Yeah I love you.''

"GET OUT MY HOUSE!" Shouted Emma.

''Look, if your gonna get me out your house we're not even friends.'' Replied Vicky.

"Fine! Get out aswell Darren.''

''Darren come home with me.''

She forced his head and kissed him. As they were walking down the stairs Vicky turned around and flicked there hair and smiled. They walked to the car and they both sat in the back before they got in Darren but his pluming outfit in the boot. The sat in the bad of the car and started kissing they made it so that Darren was lying and Vicky was lying on top of him.

After 2 hours Vicky's Mom made it home she dropped Vicky and Darren off at the house and then she had to go and do some shopping. Vicky unlocked the door and walked in she started kissing Darren she shut the door and locked it. Then they both went upstairs into Vicky's house.

Vicky's house was a cottage her room was at the front of the house. Her house had a roof then she had her room on top it use to be a loft but they had made it a lovely room. Her bedroom wallpaper was light purple. Her carpet was a very light pink, in her bedroom her bed was by her window, her window was black around the edges and then it was a small circle. She loved her bedroom and she always had. Before she had her bedroom up in the loft she went up there everyday. She always wished that her bedroom could be there.

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