Chapter 9

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Heyy guys this is Chapter 9! Hope you enjoy it. If you do like it Fan me:D!

"So Austin cheated on you with a girl called Lauren?" asked Vicky


"I thought he was a good boyfriend."

"He is but ... I guess not now."

'I'm  Sorry."

Austin ran and knocked on Emma's door. Her Mom answered.

"Oh, hello Austin."

"Hello, Is Emma here?"

"No, I thought she was at yours."

"No, but ill explain later."

"She'll be at Vicky's house.'' he thought.

He ran to Vicky's house and knocked on the door as hard as he could. Gregg answered the door.

"She doesn't want to talk to you. You've upset her way to much!"

"Look I can explain."

"Yeah I bet you can."

Gregg closed the door on his face. He walked up the stairs and into Vicky's room. Vicky was sitting next to Emma.

"Who was at the door?" Asked Vicky.

"It was Austin."

"I'll go and talk to him. I'll be right back." Vicky told Emma.

Vicky walked down the stairs she opened the door.



"Why did you cheat on Emma? She's really upset."

Meanwhile upstairs Gregg sat next to Emma. He reached over and kissed her. She lifted her head.


''Does that chear you up?"


Gregg  reached over to kiss her again. She went back.

"What's the matter I thought you liked me kissing you."

"I do, it's just that it doesn't feel right your going out with Vicky."

"Just close your eyes."

Emma closed her eyes Gregg kissed her again this time it was for 25 seconds.

"Don't stop."

"What if Vicky comes?''

''She won't just kiss me."


Gregg and Emma kissed again but this time for a 2 minutes.


Downstairs Vicky was outside she shut the door behind her. She and Austin were kissing. Emma and Gregg tiptoed downstairs.

"Where's Vicky?'' asked Emma.

"She's outside with Austin." answered Vicky's mom.

Gregg and Emma opened the front door and saw them kissing.

"VICKY!" Gregg shouted.

"AUSTIN!" shouted Emma.

They slammed the door and ran upstairs. Vicky shut the door on Austin she ran upstairs. Gregg grabbed Emma and kissed her. Vicky saw them kissing.

"GREGG! EMMA!" She roared.

They stopped kissing.

''What?" they both said at the same time."

"Why are you kissing?"

"You kissed my boyfriend."

"Yeah and you kissed mine."

"Vicky?" asked Gregg.

"Yeah?" replied Vicky.

"I'm dumbing you."



Gregg and Emma went down the stairs.

"Wanna go out?"


They held hands as they went downstairs they slammed the front door behind them.

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