Chapter 1

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The knocking was consistent. It was not stopping. A tired groan came from the bed in the dark hotel room and the rustling of sheets filled the silence between the loud knocks.

"Make it stop," someone mumbled, the raspy voice filled with irritation as the other occupant of the bed blindly reached out for the abandoned iPhone on the bedside table. "I'm gonna kill that asshole..."

The light of the phone screen illuminated the room and the mumbling turned into a whimper as the girl hid beneath the sheets from the brightness.

"Sorry, I was trying to see what – it's just after four! I thought our call time wasn't until...?"

"Who the fuck cares, open the damn door and make it stop!"

"It's your  room, if someone wants to speak with you –"

"– they should have used the fucking phone!" the raspy voice argued back.

"I'm not opening the door, maybe it's some crazy fan or a stalker!"

After a heavy sigh, the bedsheets were lowered, revealing a girl with tousled dark hair, pale skin and vibrant green eyes. Her lips were formed to a pout as she looked at the other girl next to her. "Please, Camz? For me?"

The defiant look slowly disappeared from the other girl's face as a small smile fought its way through. Her hand rested on the green-eyed girl's cheek as her thumb stroke it. "How can you be so sexy yet cute at the same time?"

"It's a gift," she got the cheeky answer. Playfully rolling her eyes, she leaned in and pecked her lips.

"Fine. But you owe me, Lauren."

"Babe, I think after last night I owe you more than that," the green eyed girl answered suggestively and her gaze slowly moved downwards as Camila stood up and revealed her naked body.

"Too true," she acknowledged with a smirk and put on a bathrobe as it knocked for the umpteenth time. "God, if it's a crazy fan, I swear I'll..."

"... invite them into my room and talk to them?" Lauren asked amused.

"... shut up," Camila grumbled.

Taking the last few steps, she managed to pull the door open just as the loudest knock yet was delivered. With an annoyed expression, she glared at – nothing. Blinking in confusion, she stepped out and looked around before her eyes finally set on the culprit who rolled away from her on the floor.

"Dinah?! What the fuck are you doing?"

A tall girl with wavy blonde hair stopped midway and jumped up, a look of utter surprise on her face. "Mila?!"

"It's four in the fucking  morning, you better have a damn good reason to knock on the door and wake us up like this," she hissed irritated and not quietly at all.

"I... I, uh..." Dinah glanced over her shoulder, looking slightly panicked. "I'm so sorry, I thought this was Lauren's room."

She narrowed her eyes. "It is Lauren's room. Are you drunk? Why are pulling that face? And stop waving that hand around like –"

But a well-known voice interrupted her and she followed Dinah's gaze – only to meet Milika's. "Camila, what are you doing here? Isn't your room a floor below ours?"

Her cheeks flushed as she looked at the approaching mother and she tightened her grip on her bathrobe. "Um, it is."

"Then why are you..." Milika trailed off before her expression turned into a stern one. "Camila Cabello, are you naked?!"

"Mom," Dinah hissed and tried to reach for something in Milika's hands.

"Don't you 'Mom'  me, Dinah Jane!" Milika snapped. "Lauren Michelle, come here this instant!"

Camila's cheeks grew redder with each second she was forced to stay at the door and in front of Dinah's mother. Her friend seemed even more mortified than herself as she was constantly trying to get Milika's attention only to be brushed off with further warnings.

As Lauren finally stood beside her in nothing but her panties and an oversized shirt, Milika fixed them both with a glare. "What is the meaning of this?!"

"It's our private business where we sleep or with whom we sleep," Lauren argued, a slight edge in her tone. She was always cranky without enough sleep, and getting woken up in the middle of the night certainly didn't help. "We're adults."

"We'll see about that when I call Clara about this and get Sinu up here," Milika warned her, but Lauren straightened her back.

"I can spend the night with my girlfriend  whenever I want to," Lauren snapped back, ignoring the little nudges from Camila or the vehemently shaking head of Dinah who looked more horrified with each passing second. "And our parents will tell you the same, Milika. They don't care."

"But – you can't just – it's not proper to –"

Suddenly Dinah snitched the small object out of her mother's hand and laughed loudly at it. Upon taking a closer look, it turned out to be a phone. "April fools, you guys! Totally got you, huh? Mila, Lauren, thanks for playing your part in this. That'll teach them to make up rumors! Bye guys!"

Camila and Lauren gave her a confused look, but neither of them failed to notice the utter horror on Milika's face. With a last, totally fake yet wide smile, Dinah pressed something on the display before her expression dropped to something similar to her mother's.

"How could you forget it?!" she whispered harshly to Milika and waved the phone around. "Oh my God, this wasn't supposed to – I didn't mean to – it wasn't – Guys, I'm so, so sorry!"

"Wait, what?" Camila muttered and leaned against Lauren who immediately slung an arm around her waist. "Could someone tell us what this is all about?"

"I need to call your manager," Milika said hurriedly, fumbling with the phone. "And your publicist... dammit!"

"You don't think they thought it was a joke?" Dinah asked and glanced anxiously to the other girls.

"You know them, this will not go away quietly... I'm so sorry, girls," Milika apologized to them before heading down the hall, the phone already on her ear.

"Okay, who's 'they'?"  Lauren rubbed her eyes tiredly. "Is this still a prank of yours? Come on, we're awake, we're standing here in the hallway of our hotel... isn't that enough, DJ?"

"Guys, I... I did something quite potentially bad..." Her eyes were brimming with tears and her voice started to shake. "I did a live stream in my room and I wanted to prank one of you girls... It was supposed to be me annoying the heck out of Lauren, just knocking and running away, I didn't... I didn't mean to –"

"Live stream?" Lauren repeated slowly and the grip around Camila's waist tightened.

"I tried to gave my mom a sign that she should go back into our room with the phone, but then she... God, I'm so sorry;" Dinah buried her head in her hands and took a deep breath. "They heard everything..."

"'They'  as in... our fans?" Camila whispered horrified.

"I honestly didn't think you guys would be together," Dinah groaned, her voice muffled due to her hands. "I was so stupid... why shouldn't you be..."

It was deathly quiet in the hallway as the reality hit them all with full force. The secret – so well kept, so precious – was out to the world. It had been an accident, a mistake, yet something neither of them could take back. Months of hard work were thrown away in a few seconds of reckless behavior. Any thought of going back to sleep was disregarded as each of the girls thought about what was going to await them in the morning when the video would have probably gone viral by then.

And they knew; nothing would ever be the same again. Just because of a prank gone wrong.

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