Chapter 5

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"'Cause I found a girl, who's in love with a girl,"  Camila sang loudly as she skipped into the dressing room. "She said that she tried, but she's not into guys –"

"Could you stop singing that stupid song?!" Lauren asked irritated and glared at her through the mirror. "I hate them... I fucking hate  them..."

"To be fair, it's a pretty catchy song," Dinah said from the other side of the room where she was sitting with the other two girls on the couch.

"Yeah, it's stuck in my head," Normani mumbled. "Oh, why, tell me why did I fall for those eyes..."

"Do you think they're going to ask them about the inspiration for the song? Now that our little video is out?" Ally asked hesitantly. "Or that they actually answer?"

"What do you think?" Dinah scoffed. "They're clearly not the most intelligent guys on the planet..."

"Maybe it's not even about Lauren, we don't know that..."

"Oh please, it couldn't be more obvious that it's about her!"

Camila ignored them and walked up to her girlfriend whose glare hadn't lessened one bit. Sneaking her arms around her waist from behind, she placed a kiss on her exposed shoulder.

"I'm still mad at you," Lauren muttered disgruntled. "Why do you keep singing that song?"

"Because that song is just further proof that you're mine," Camila whispered into her ear before she kissed it as well. "It's really funny if you think about it. He's practically crying over you in that song."

"But still..."

"She got that smile and that body is to die for,"  Camila sang softly and slowly ran her hands along Lauren's sides. "One of a kind..."

Lauren smiled involuntarily as she turned around in Camila's arms. "You know, you're the only one who should be allowed to sing that part. Why are you so goddamn adorable?"

"That would be because you love me," Camila answered confidently.

Lauren nodded. "I think you're right. I really do."

"Good, 'cause I love you too, boo."

"No kissing before the show!" Normani suddenly shouted before they could lean in. "For real, guys, we don't have time to redo your makeup!"

"Such a buzzkill," Camila muttered and flipped her off.

"How about you learn to keep your hands to yourself before we have a performance?" Normani retorted and Camila narrowed her eyes. "Oh yes, I went there!"

"Whatever," she scoffed and returned to hum the melody of 'I Found A Girl'  as she carefully started to ran her fingers through Lauren's hair. "There you go. You look hot. And I really appreciate your outfit."

"You only like it because you can shamelessly stare at my ass," Lauren said with a straight face, but Camila didn't even try to deny it.

"Duh. Did you see your ass? And with the new choreo for 'Work from Home'  I'm finally allowed to touch it..."

"Did you see yours?"  Lauren replied and her gaze dropped. "I can't believe I wasted all these years when I could have had you."

"Are you finished complimenting your greatest assets?" Dinah asked them and stood up, motioning the other to do the same. "'Cause I think we should head to the stage soon. Everyone finished with warming up?"

"Uh," Camila smirked at her girlfriend, "actually, me and Lauren still have to do some –"

"Nope, not this time, you horndog," Dinah grabbed Camila by her neck and pulled her along. "You're acting like bunnies. Seriously, it's a wonder why no one outed you before I accidentally did. Broom closets, dressing rooms, bathrooms! And poor Ally is still having nightmares about that one time in our tour bus! If you have those needs, wait until we're back at our hotel, guys! Keep it in your pants!"

"Sorry," Lauren mumbled.

"You should be," Normani quipped behind her and gently pushed her forward to get her moving. "Do you remember that innocent girl on X Factor? The one who hadn't been kissed until after her seventeenth birthday? Look what you did to her!"

"Yeah, she's really cool," Lauren sighed dreamily. "And a really great kisser."

Normani threw her hands in the air and shook her head. "I give up! Just try not to ravish her on stage."

"Hey, anyone else enjoying the irony of us performing at G-A-Y on the day Camren was outed to the public?" Dinah asked them over her shoulder as she guided Camila out of the dressing room. The others behind her playfully rolled their eyes.

"If we hadn't already promised Janet not to do something stupid before Ellen, it would have been an amazing opportunity to officially come out," Ally joked. "Surrounded by your people and all."

Camila snorted. "Our people..."

"How many Camren posters are we going to see in the audience, what do you think?" Normani interjected. "I say fifteen."

"No, it's gotta be over twenty," Dinah disagreed.

Lauren shook her head. "I don't think so, we didn't confirm it. Anyone who heard that interview with that asshole probably thinks it was all just a misunderstanding. It'll be less than five. They're still scared I'll blow up on them, if I see one."

The girls continued to argue about the amount until they reached the backstage area and got ready for their performance. The crowd was loud and energetic, and as the girls took their places on stage, it was easy to forget about everything else and fully concentrate on giving their best.

After they finished their set of five songs, they took a moment to let their gaze wander over the audience which was still cheering wildly. Camila nudged Lauren and pointed to the far right. A group of Harmonizers stood near the stage, waving a huge poster above their heads with various pictures of the two of them together through the years.

"Babe, look! 'Best Camren Moments',"  Camila read loudly, forgetting to put her microphone down.

The other girls on stage froze as her voice carried through the entire club and the crowd went silent. Camila, realizing her mistake, stared wide-eyed at the fans who mirrored her expression before turning back to her girlfriend.

Lauren glanced from Camila to the poster and to the audience whose entire focus seemed to be on her now as well, undoubtedly waiting for her to lash out. She looked back to the Camren shippers who had put together the poster and gave them a warm smile while waving at them.

"Thanks for having us tonight, G-A-Y!" Lauren yelled into the mic, turning her attention back to the rest of the club. "Until next time!"

The girls took it as their cue to act like nothing happened and shouted their goodbyes as well before they quickly left the stage.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, sometimes I forget about microphones, I just got so excited and –"

"It's fine," Lauren reassured her. "We're officially coming out in about a week anyway, so what's the point? And if you think for one second that we're not going on dates in Paris because we're laying low, you have another thing coming."

Camila's eyes lit up. "You're taking me on a date in Paris?"

"Of course I am," Lauren answered and intertwined their hands as they walked to their dressing room with the other three girls in front of them. "What's the point of going public if we can't have a date in the city of love?"

"But the paparazzi, the fans, they're gonna take pictures and videos –"

"Who cares? So they'll have some evidence that our relationship exists, it doesn't matter anymore." Lauren kissed her cheek. "Camz, I was never worried what our fans are going to say but about the general public. I don't want to deal with those bigots, but we're going to have to do it, if we want to have a normal relationship. I get it now. And I'd be damned, if we're not having a romantic stroll around the Eiffel Tower while we're there."

Camila smiled widely at her. "You're the best girlfriend ever."

"I'll do my best." Lauren chuckled and let herself get pulled along as Camila started to skip ahead.

"I found a girl who's in loooove with a giiiirl!"

Lauren groaned. "Camz... not again."

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