Chapter 11

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"Hey guys and welcome to our first Fifth Harmony Tell-All Twitcam!" Camila shouted and spread her arms.

"It's a UStream," Normani called out from somewhere behind her, "and get out of the way! You're blocking the rest of us!"

"Don't worry, I got her!"

Lauren slung her arms around Camila's waist and pulled her down on her lap. Her girlfriend pouted, but a quick kiss on the cheek turned her lips upwards to a smile. Now that the view was cleared, the camera was able to show all of them. Ally and Dinah were perched on the arms of a couch on which Normani and Lauren were sitting. When it became obvious that Camila didn't want to move to the free seat on Lauren's left, Dinah shrugged and took it.

"Anyway," Lauren continued as Camila casually slung an arm around her neck, "welcome to our UStream. It's been a while since we did this and... a lot has changed for us since then. So for this special day we wanted to... like, go back to our roots. Kinda."

"We will give you a hashtag and you can ask us any question you would like for us to answer," Normani took over. "Ally, Dinah, and I will look for... appropriate  questions and read them out loud. We will answer every chosen question truthfully and try to put you a little at ease about the recent... developments."

"There's been lots of rumors floating around," Camila continued, "and while we ignored them in the past, we won't do it today. In this Twitcam –"

"UStream," Lauren whispered into her ear.

"In this UStream," she corrected herself with a grin, "we will tell you what has really been going on behind the scenes in the last year and what hasn't. Lauren and I will also tell you more about that bombshell we dropped on you."

"Sorry about that," Lauren added with a little wink, but Camila shook her head.

"Not really."

"The hashtag we'll use for the questions is..." Ally glanced at the text message that Janet had sent them. "#5HTellAll. How creative..."

"Before we start, let's make something clear real quick," Lauren stopped the others from reaching for their phones. "It's ridiculous that we have to say it at all, but apparently some people in this fandom need to hear it from us personally." Ally, Normani, and Dinah nodded solemnly while Camila glanced down and played with her fingers. "If I catch any of you sending mean tweets to my girlfriend or her family ever again, I'll personally come after you." Her green eyes narrowed and a dangerous glint appeared in them as she glared into the camera. Camila wiggled on her lap, but Lauren's arms only tightened securely around her waist. "This shit is going to stop right fucking now. We thought it would eventually go away on its own because I know that our fans love the five of us together, as they should."

"That's right." Normani nodded. "You guys know that we love you, but this got out of control. Yes, Mila writes songs with other people than us, but it's not a big deal. Not that it really concerns any of you, but she did  ask for permission regarding her solo projects, just like each of us do. Just because we don't tell you guys about it, doesn't mean she goes behind our backs or wants to go solo or something equally stupid. We always treat you like our friends, but that doesn't mean you know everything that goes on behind the scenes. There's lots of stuff going on that you're not aware of. As much as we're friends, we're also colleagues and take that seriously."

"This group works only as well as it does because we acknowledge the fact that we were once five solo artists," Dinah explained seriously. "We each have our own style and our own dreams, but Fifth Harmony always  comes first. Mila never missed a rehearsal or other obligations and she can use her free time however she wants to. Y'all know better than to freak out whenever she's not with us at a party or something. She's doesn't like these things and we're not going to force her. We do other stuff together instead."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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