Dream Harry Styles

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the next day you woke up ate breakfast then took a bath then you wore a black knee-length dress topped with a violet coat with matching black knee high heeled boots and violet bonnet then you took your dslr and some bucks and went straight on the tour

Mikel: what a nice view!

You: I know right

Mikel: ueahh and right now were going to celebrity studios where they record thier albums *shrieks*

You: ohh whatever its the same they are all people

you reached the studio and you took a picture of every structure in there then you notice a studio room marked with your gavorite bands name 'one direction' then so fascinated you separated from the group amd enyered it without anyone knowing. you had your eue on the piano and you started to play 'little things' with it. you play it with your both hands as like before but only better then you feel a person slowly removing my left hand then replacing it with his and he played the left notes then you slowly look back and you seen it was Harry Styles and he is already sitring beside you while the rest of the band members were just looking at us.

Harry: Hi!

You: *stands up* ohh I'm sorry! I didnt know that someone is in here

Harry: No worries

then you pick your bags up and you started to leave thebroom but Harry held you back

Harry: *pulls your hand and doesn't let go* please you haven't introduced yet

You: *turned back and stayed* ohh about that I'm [YN]

Louis:okay so nice to meet you and I think you know who we are so bye bye

Harry: Louis give her a moment to rest

then you recieve a text message from Mikel

Mikel: where were you! you suddenly disappeared like dayshabu!

You: ohh I'm here at the recording studios

Mikel: What the hell are you doing there!

but before you could text back Harry snatched your phone

Harry:who the hell is this

You: they are already looking for me in eed to go

Harry: *gets the batteries and throws it to the trash can* stay for a little while

You: why did you do that and heck we just met

Zayn: bro chill up you only met

Dream Harry Styles [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now