Dream Harry Styles: Harry and [YN] marriage

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this is it ten straight updates!!!!

~Belluz x)


there he is waiting at the altar in a black and white suit, his hair perfectly fixed by Lou, curls perfectly locked and fixed up so that it doesn't fall to his face,  his eyes were as emerald as ever and his dimples extends on both of his cheeks that tells you how happy he is...

You are his bride today, walking to the altar in a white gown and holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers that happened to be blue roses... Your mom holds you at the side and accompanies you to the altar as a slow mix of the orchestra plays "Thousand Years" for you

Your tears fall down full with joy but you wipe them in the fear of smudging your makeup, it was a simple wedding at a garden yet so special... Mikel as your maid of honor and the other girls as your brides maids then Louis is Harry's man of honor and the lads, groomsmen...

You slowly walk to the Aisle thinking about everything that happened to your life in the past months, the proposal.... when you started dating officially... when he asked you to be his girlfriend...

those memories were coming back to you like flashbacks then you slowly take Harry's hand as your mom hands you over to him leaving you with a hug...

Mom: take care of my girl Harry...

Harry: *kisses your hand* you look beauiful....

You: *wipes a tear away* stop telling me Styles... you tell me every single day...

Priest: do you Harold Edward Styles take [YFN] as your lawfully wedded wife, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health, till death do its part..,

Harry: *in mind* she is soo beautiful and irresistible, I've been the luckiest guy ever to be with her... how could I say no... *back to normal* I do...

Priest: and do you [YFN] take Harold Edward Styles as your lawfully wedded husband for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health, till death do its part...

You: *in mind* his is it... taking a new step to a new part of my life... I'm happy it's with the man I really love... *back to normal* I Do....

Priest: then you may now exchange he vows and the rings...

Harry: *puts the ring on your hand* I vow to make you happy for the ret of your life... to sing he songs I've never have sung to anyone else in the world... to love you and take care of you in infinity...

You: *puts the ring on his hand* I vow to be a good wife to you who will share her knowledge and care to you... I vow to help you in the times of need and I vow to love you and be there for you through out your career into infinity...

Priest: then I shall pronounce you now as husband and wife... you may now kiss the bride...

Harry leans in closer putting up the nearest space possible, he approaches you as you feel his breath tingle down your neck that send shivers down to your spine... his nose brushes yours and in a matter of seconds your lips clashed together in the most pleasurable kiss yet... you are his wife now and you will share your life until eternity...

Mikel who wasnt much a cryer became a bawling child after and Alnair and Zayn just kissing down the corner sending you signals that they would be wedded next, Liam just placed his arms around jazz as the ohers teaasing you both with a slow clap and your mom is tyi g to keep away the tears to herself...

you rush down to your mom giving her a verry warm hug...

You: thank you mom... *stars to tear*

Mom: *wipes your tear* I'm so happy for you...

You went next to the boys and he girls hugging hen one by one and leaving a kiss on the cheek to the others but you spent most of your time wih Mikel who was emotionally crying...

You: thanks guys for being with me today...

Marty: just remember that we are still here for both of you [YN]

You: so Mikel I...

Mikel: *hugs you and cries* how dare you get married! ill always be here for you okay *cries more*

You: *hugs her* I'd miss you more than you ever think of you know

Both of you: *laughs*


Ill post five chapters for today and the others tomorrow so stay tuned for he story marathon!!!

~Belluz x)

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