Dream Harry Styles

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Harry: [YN] I want a word

then you madly get up and did mothing but hit his chest while yelling

You: *hits his chest while speaking* how dare you! how dare you still see me after what you have done! how dare you

Harry: *gets a chance to hold one of your wrists then the other*

You: let me go!

Harry:Give me a chance to explain *tears start to fall from his eyes*

You: okay you have five , inutes to explain Mister and if you dont, remember that yoh wont see me ever again

Harry: okay, that night you know that we are both drunk, and you know how drunk people act but this is different okay, I followed you hoping that maybe I can talk to you about courting you in private but I saw that you were dizzy so I think that talking out wont work so I just kissed you in the hipe that you accept me...

You: it would have worked! yes! if only you had asked me properly

Harry: I'm sorry I was jist so afraid to loose you

You: okay I give you another chance but you will have to gain my trust again

Harry: really... okay then *hugs you tighly** laughs happily*

you accept his hug along with his invitation to proove to the press with him and you accept it. the next day you two went to the news studio for an interview and you just answered thier questions and when you were done both your names were cleared but then you still see Harry only as a friend. Ms. santos arrived with the second batch that night and first thing she did was tontalk to you about the controversy.

Ms, Santos: so as far as I know that was your first kiss

You: yes but I never dreamed that it would come at an early age and it would come from a persom whom I idolize

(you continue your conversation without knowing that Harry was listening)

Ms. Santos: so admit did you like it even just a bit

You: ummm... you know that I didnt want to be married before I become designer but I admit that I like it in just a tad

Ms. Santos: see and now I ask you to look in your heart and see what will make you happy and go for it

You: *closes your eyes* you are right I see his image and his smile, that cute adorable irresistible smile that gives me creeps because it matched his brown curly hair and his greenish eyes

<Harry's Thought>

Me: well she really did like me even for once

Zayn: so what are you listening to

Niall: yeahh dont tell me you are stalking [YN]

Harry: what no how could I

Louis: Denial

Liam: yeahh

Harry : no and lets just go lads

<Back to You>

Ms. Santos: now you know you may rest

You: okay then miss

Ms. Santos left but then before you went to sleep, Harry knocked on your door

Harry: hey I would just like to invite you to the park tomorrow for a picknick with the lads and you could bring Mikel

You:okay sure as long as we wouldnt be the topic of the media again

Harry: yeah I closed the park fo us only vendors are allowed in

You: you did what

Harry: yes I did


see his sweet cupcake face is now showing yayy they are starting to love each other so read more!

~Belluz x)

Dream Harry Styles [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now