Dream Harry Styles

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Louis was still frozen and unmovable by that moment, if anyone goes near him or just tries to talk to him he'd say mean words

Liam: ummmm Louis. ....

Louis: *removes hand from face angrily* what are you going to do now!

Liam: I'd just wander if I could calm you down *touches Louis' shoulder*

Louis: are you trying to piss me off dumbass! *raises fist*

Harry and Zayn: *stops him* bro chill

You and the girls: *runs to Mikel*

you went to Mikel's room and you found the door locked but her scream is clearly heard through out her crying

You: Mikel open the door!

Mikel: If you brought Louis with you......mrff...... then dont ever think thad open the door....... mrff.......

You: no he isn't with us!

Mikel: are you sure [YN]

Alnair: yeahh Louis is not here

~Zayn runs to alnair

Zayn: Ally babes Louis camnot be stopped he has gone wild

<Meanwhile with the other lads>

Louis: dont you dare block the door Styles! I'm going to kill that lesbian

Liam: Louis calm down *pulls Louis back*

Louis: you shut up Payne

Harry: control your anger mate remember the playful type Louis and the gentleman inside you!

Louis: what gentle man! I hate all women! *pushes Harry and runs to Mikel*

<Back to you>

Louis: Bring Mikel out

Alnair: No you wont get an inch close to her *blocks the door*

Louis: I will *pushes Alnair aside then drags Mikel out pulling her on the colar*

Mikel: You wanna kill me! start now! here! *hands Louis a knife*

Louis: *gets the knife and raises it over Mikel

Mikel: *looks side ward and closes her eyes*

Louis: *looks at Mikels reaction* No I cant! I thought I coyld but I couldn't!

Mikel: No you stab me to death!

Louis: No I cant, I cant resist to see you getting hurt

Mikel: no you stab me stab me now! *cries again*

Louis: *starts to cry and drops the knife then releases Mikel* I cant I really cant forgive me! *kneels suddenly* I only said that because I was confused, I find your charm in your braveness and in your ego! yes you are beautiful but I'm confused by the way you act so I said those words right out of my mouth! *hands Mikel the knife* kill me instead!

Mikel: *continues to cry* number three spare a persons life!

Louis: what

Mikel: I cant or else I'd violate my to do list *drops the knife*

Louis: still thinking about that

Mikel: Yeahh

Louis: I already got my first one! do you want to know

Mikel: sure

Louis: love someone like you

Mikel: *cries again then suddenly hugs Louis tightly*

Louis: *hugs Mikel back* so does this mean I can court.....

~before Loyis can speak, Mikel made a move

Mikel: *grabs Louis' cheeks and kissed him on the lips*

Louis: *kisses Mikel back*

Mikel: never thought I'd do this one day and I think now you wont doubt my gender

Louis: Never

<Niall and Marty while looking at the scene>

Niall: *playfully* aww comeon Marty when will I ever kiss you like that!

All:looks at him

Marty: *suddenly kisses Niall* there happy *crosses arms and smiles while turning away*

Niall: *frozen* woahhhhhhhhhh~

Liam: awww comeon when can I get something like that ayyy...

~but none suddenly kisses him

Liam: aww comeon somebody.... ouchhh... forever alone!

all: *laughs*

<Back to you>

You: I'm glad for them

Harry: *suddenly kisses you deeply* *pauses* you are just jealous

You: no *continues the kiss*

Zayn: Ally babes! want one

Alnair: okay then

Zalnair: *kisses as well*

Liam: aww comeon all of you are kissing so deeply its about five minutes already guys

Niall: Marty wait

Marty: turns around

Niall: *continues a deep kiss just like the others*

Marty: speechless! *gives in to the kiss*


yeahh I'm puking rainbows but I feel pity for Liam... poor him no relationship yet but I'm sure you'll learn to love the girl she chooses for the next chapters so read and

PS: the stab me stab me part is not really like Louis okay and I'm sure my friend Mikel wont do the same hahaha just teasing her!

~Belluz x)

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