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Patricia's P.O.V

After the carwash, I went home by myself since Elena stayed with her boyfriend.

I opened my laptop and played The Sims 4. I really enjoy playing this one because I can do whatever I like. I can cook even though I suck at it in real life. I can flirt all I want even though I'm not like that in real life. I can have a job even though—

I paused my game when I heard something. I looked around my room and observed the surroundings. It's just 8:30 in the evening. Why am I getting chills?

I suddenly had the urge to close my eyes and I did what I felt like doing. My vision turned white—

Caroline was opening a basement cell like she's in a trance. A man came, telling her to stay back and just get out. But Caroline already successfully opened the cell. In a second, Damon came out and pinned the man on a wall with the same face he made when he bit Caroline last night. With that, Caroline screamed as if she woke up from her nightmare, quickly running out. Damon followed her like wind, his shadow couldn't even be seen, but the sun kept him in.

I gasped as I felt oxygen being knocked out of me. My eyes went wide as I grabbed my phone beside me. I quickly dialed Elena's number in panic.

It rang for a few seconds before she answered.


"Elena where are you?"

"Pat? I'm here at the Grill with Bonnie and Stefan. Why? What's wrong? Why are you panting like a dog? Did something happen?"

"Ah okay..." I breathed in relief when I remembered— "Is Caroline there?!"

"No she's not here? Why? Is something going on there? Tell me and I'm gonna go home now." Her stern voice almost got me but I kept calm.

Do I tell her or not?

"Oh. I-I'm just checking the attendance." I awkwardly laughed as I mentally face-palmed myself.

Nice excuse, Pat.

"Okay. Just call me when something bad is happening there, okay? I'm gonna be home by 9. Bye."

After she hung up, I stood up from the bed after closing the laptop. I glanced at the window and saw the moon peeking beneath the dark clouds. I suddenly had a good idea.

I went to my window and looked around if anyone's outside. When I saw that the street was empty, I quickly jumped off the window.

I know it's a stupid thing to do when I have the front door downstairs but Jenna got home, probably watching tv. She'll totally question me where to go and tell me it's past the curfew.

I silently groaned in pain as my knees gave up, my feet touching the ground. Well, what did I expect from jumping out from the 2nd floor down to the street?

I was surprised that after a few seconds, the pain disappeared.

"My lucky day, I guess?" I mumbled to myself as I stood up and walked to the woods. The thrill and excitement filled me as darkness took me in.

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