Chapter sixty føur

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*Private message between BeeboUrie and Tyty*

BeeboUrie: something is up with Dallon and I don't know what

Tyty: wdym

BeeboUrie: hes acting differently

*Tyty added Spookyjim to the chat*

Spookyjim: whats up

BeeboUrie: hes been distancing himself, hes never in school and he never has time to come around

Spookyjim: family problems?

BeeboUrie: he tells me about all of that stuff usually

Spookyjim: sorry m8 I don't know then

BeeboUrie: ugh


A/N- Sorry there has been no updates. I'm taking a break from writing for a while. The only book I will be updating is the song lyrics book (which is on my profile).

-Silver ^-^

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