Gifts of a gulity conscience

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Brooke's P.O.V
"So" Annalise said "this was me when I was two, ignore the pink clothes it was just as phase" Annalise said as sh pointed to a photo in the album as River laughed,
Ding dong.
"Brooke can you get that" she asked me as she pointed to another embarrassing photo from her childhood as River threw his head back and laughed,
I opened the door to reveal Alex,
"Are you okay?" He asked as he pushed past me into house "I saw a strange car in the drive, what's going on?"
"Okay" I said as I began to lead him up the stairs "let's just say that a lot has happened this afternoon."

"They look quite sweet don't they?" I asked Alex as we watched as River and Annalise talked about anything and everything,
"Yeah" he said as he leant against the kitchen counter "they do" he said as River and Annalise walked into the kitchen,
"River" I said as Alex stood up straight "this is Alex, he's my--"
"Boyfriend" Alex said as he shook River's hand "I'm her boyfriend"
My eyes widened in surprise as Annalise began to giggle
"Just a friend eh" she said nudging my shoulder as I turned bright red in embarrassment, I took Alexa hand and led him up the stairs to his room as we left River and Lise laughing to themselves.
"I can't believe you would do that" I said as I shut the door behind me,
"What," he said as he lay down on my bed "what have I done now?"
"Nothing, it's just-"
"What?" He said as he looked up at me from the bed
"Nothing, just you didn't even ask me, you just told them," I said looking at the floor
"What" he asked as confusion crossed his face "what are you talking about? What did I tell" he said, suddenly he stood up "Brooke," he said walking towards me "will you be my girlfriend?" he asked as he tilted my chin up to face him,
"Yes" I said as I jumped up into his arms, "yes I will."

"Brooke" Annalise called up the stairs, "come down"'she said as I untangled from Alex and began to walk down the stairs, I walked into the kitchen to see Annalise and River surrounded by menus on the kitchen counter top "we're ordering food, what do you want?"
"I'll just have some pizza-"
"Great, what about you Alex" she asked smiling at Alex
"Really" I said as a smile stretched across my face "he can stay?"
"Sure" she said "especially as he your boyfriend" she said putting emphasis on the word boyfriend as I hung my head in my hands.
Ding dong.
"I'll get it" I said as I opened the door,
"Hi Brooke" Connor said as the breath hitched in my throat as I tried to close the door, "wait, this is for you" he said handing me the pizza,
"Brooke come on, hurry up" Alex said coming up behind me, he froze,
"What are you doing here?" He said as he clenched and unclenched his jaw as he looked between Connor and I,"do you want to get punched again?" Alex asked as I took in Connors appearance and noticed he was sporting a massive black eye,
Connor straightened himself and came towards Alex, I pushed Alex back
"You should just go" I said "go"
"Fine" Connor said as he kissed his teeth and began to back away from us to his car as Alex put his arm around me protectively "you're not worth the trouble Brooke" he said "I was only interested because I thought you'd be easy, seems like Alex here followed my example" Connor said as Alex lunged towards him. 
"Hey" River said as he came out "Brooke here's the money for--" he said as he looked up, "is everything okay?" He asked as he glanced between Alex and Connor,
"Yeah" Alex said wrapped his arm around my waist again "Connor was just leaving."
"Wow" Connor said as he turned to leave "you're even easier than I thought, two guys in one day"
I felt the tear begin to sting at the back of my eyes as I looked between River and Alex,
"Hey," River called after Connor "this is for you" he said as he handed him the money "and so is this" he added as he punched Connor in the face. Connor quickly composed himself as he looked in shock at River,
"Aww" Alex said laughing "now your face matches" he said pointing at Connor's soon to be two black eyes,
"Anything you'd like to add, anymore comments about my little sister" River said as he glared at Connor menacingly,
"Screw you" Connor said before he turned to make his way to his car, I took both River and Alex's hand and lead them back into the house.
"Here" I said as I handed River some ice for his bruised knuckles,
"Thanks" he said "look if he comes near you again, I'll deal with it okay?" He said flashing me his smile,
"Sure" I said grinning "God, only a couple of hours and you've already gone into big bro mode huh?" I said as I nudged his side laughing,
"Too soon?" He smiled
"No, just soon enough" I said as I smiled back at him.

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