Flesh and Stone

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 I threw the empty bottle of Laudanum across the flooded corridor, and to my surprise, something amazing happened. Something that made me gain hope again. I saw ripples and splashes heading toward the bottle. It must be blinded, it must only rely on sound, I think to myself. I suddenly felt no more pain in my leg. I looked closely and shone my lantern around it. I was shocked and almost lost it. The chunk of flesh that was no longer apart of my leg, had almost grown back in way. My leg was perfectly fine. I was so relieved to know that the laudanum helped. I look around with my lantern and tried to find any rooms.

I looked closely and just thought to keep going through the corridr. I carefully stepped in the water, not trying to make a sound, I stepped carefully through until I made a huge splash, I then noticed ripples coming towards. I started running. I ran through the corridor and turned sharp turns trying to thward the Kaernk off, but it kept coming, I then came to a steel gate, and it was closed. I quickly turned to jump on a box to support me, I survived. I then looked around to see nothing to help me open it.

I then decided to walk back, try to find something useful. I then sprint back to the door to the refinery, it was locked. Of course, I think to myself. I then run to the room on my right. It seemed to be a storage room, I jumped on some boxes and found a lever hiding behind a box. "This must be the lever to open the gate!" I shout, forgetting that invisible yet horrifying creature. I looked around. There was no way I could pull the lever and get through without being injured by the Kaernk. I then look on a shelf next to me. It were a couple of books. I remembered noticing the creature going towards the sound. I then take a book and throw it in the direction away from the door. I wait for the right moment. When he was far enough, I pulled the lever and started running.

Soon after, the Kaernk realized my decieving trick, and he was angry. I ran towards the gate just before it closes, leaving the Kaernk trapped inside. I pant and sigh in relief, until I saw ripples in this next room. I quickly jumped on to a box for support from it. I grew surprised. It was the Kaernk! It found a way inside. I grew angry. It was a small, but flooded room. With pillars and nothing but floating boxes and some big boxes. Across from me was a another gate but this time, instead of it being a lever, it was a wheel that I can spin to open it. I realized there was no way I was gonna distract it with a random object like a stone to give me enough time to spin it, I looked around closely. I jumped across and landed on another set of boxes. I crouches and picked up a lantern container, putting it in my bag. I then suddenly got a really bad smell, of rotting flesh.

I look down and noticed a few dead body parts, a leg and a chest, just rotting there. The stench was horrid but then I got a strange idea. I remembered back when it bit my leg, it must like flesh. I pick up the rotting leg and throw it in. I see the ripples go towards it, then to my expectations it starts eating the flesh. I could hear it munching down, basically choking it down. I then stepped in the water and ran, it didn't run towards me. I then run to the wheel while it still had a few more bites left, and I started spinning the wheel. The gate starts opening slowly and I was doing fine until the Kaernk finished its meal and headed towards me.

I climbed on a huge box and away from his reach. His attention was on my and I couldn't reach the wheel. I sure didn't try. On the box I was on was an arm, a chest and a leg. I couldn't waste them. I began to throw the leg in the water, away from me. Sure enough the Kaernk goes towards the sound and begins chewing on the leg. I then pick up the chest and throw it towards his way too, and then I started spinning the wheel. After the Kaernk was finished he moved onto the chest, which gave my plenty of time to open the gate, crawl under it, clsoe it and get to the door. it was locked.

I looked around as I see the ripples coming closer and closer, but luckily in time I found a small white hollow needle. I use it on the door, hoping that it would pick the lock, and it was a success. I open the door and start running down this flooded corridor, jumping over floating boxes and chairs as the creature followed closely behind, closing doors. I finally got to the end of the corridor and opened the door, entering the Back Hall. I panted and smiled. "It feels nice to be on something dry." I tell myself, walking up some rather large stairs.

I walk up and notice a weird looking statue. It had a large but shallow bowl with a pool of water, a large grotesque spine rising up and a face of an infant child facing me. It was a rather eerie sight. It was then when my attention turned to the left, where a door flung open. It was wind. I then walked toward the door and noticed a hallway, on and a red, flat carpet heading towards an elevator. To the left was a door, there was a title on top of the door titled 'MACHINE ROOM'. I walked towards the elevator once again got a head ache feeling. It was another conversation between me and Alexander.

"You have an ascending room! Will it take us to the inner sanctum?" I asked.

"It will definitely take care of the vertical part of our journey. So, you have ridden an elevator before?" He replied, also asking.

"Yes, the Colosseum at Regent's Park has one. It takes you to the gallery where you can view the panorama." I said. I was still confused about how I got along with Alexander but also said I should kill him.

"Good. This ride might be a little longer – and in the other direction." He replied.

Towards the end, I heard the elevator doors being closed, and a lever pulled. I looked inside the elevator and noticed a large lever. I closed the doors and pulled the lever down. It was broken. I needed to fix it. I go back to the door that says MACHINE ROOM, I turn the knob but it was locked, it needed a key and the hollow needle didn't work. "it's time for my next puzzle." I said smiling, preparing myself for the journey ahead of me. I walked back to the main area and walked up the stairs. there were two rooms on top. one labeled 'GUEST ROOM' and the other labeled 'STUDY'

I stood towards the guest room door and began opening the door. If I stayed in this castle, this would be the room. I said stepping through and finding the room completely destroyed. I smiled. "Here we go.."

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