Into The Wine Cellar

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It was dark, really dark. It also had some similarities to the laboratory. I think to myself, I must find the four chemicals. I need to find Orpiment, Calamine, Aqua Regia, and Cuprite. Shouldn't be hard right? I walk down the withering wooden stairs and straight into a room. I then get a headache and another deja vu, but something was different. This time other than getting a tad light-headed and a small headache, I got a bigger one. I heard a new voice, unlike mine or Alexanders. This was definitely someone else. "Where did the baron go?" asked an unfamiliar voice. Just then I heard another voice, and this time it was a scratchy one, and loud. "Who cares? He left us enough wine to last us a lifetime! Or at least until tomorrow!" I heard a sudden burp and laughing before gaining my sanity back.

I continued straight into the room right in front of me as I was walking down the stairs. I see a group of barrels to my left and on the desk right in front of me, was a closed bottle of Orpiment, the first out of four other acids I need to retrieve. I smiled and took it, putting it in a small bag I found. I left that room and walked towards the right and into another room. I close the door and look around. I see a copper colored cylindrical tin with a tap. I turn the tap and out comes lantern oil. I fill the lantern up halfway with the rest of the dripping oil. I smiled. I look around and picked up a couple tinderboxes and of course on a small wooden desk was the next bottle of acid, Calamine. Before I could pick it up, the castle started shaking and trembling. I looked up and saw a barrel hesding straight to my head. I was knocked out.

I opened my eyes carefully, my eyes blurry and ears ringing slightly. I regained my consciousness and stood up, picking up the Calamine and putting it in my bag. I light a candle with one of the tinderboxes and notice boulders and beams blocking the door, but it was moveable. I carefully pull and pushed the blocking pieces and made my escape. The rest of the castle didn't look to damaged. Must have been the shadow, I thought. I let the room and continued into a smaller room with a door in front of me. It smelt horrible near there. I open the door and on thre floor were piles of flesh and guts and intestines with trails of blood following. The sight was horrific. I walk through and started getting that same headache, same feeling. Here we go again. I thought.

I started hearing those same voices again, but this time it was different. Before they were happy about the wine here but now they seem distressed. I heard the first voice saying, "What's happening? Oh! It chest is going to......burst!" I grew fear but held on to hear more. I heard that scratchu guy's voice. "My god, Wilhelm do something!" he said. I then heard what seemed like Wilhelms reply, "Accept it, we're not getting out of here alive." I heard what sounded like a conversation about something. I then heard the scratchy guy's voice, "How can you say that? Alexander, you piece of shit, let us out of here!" Suddenly my headache broke away and I returned to my sane self, but what I am feeling about this place, it doesn't feel like sanity belongs here. I tried to analyze their conversation.

It seemed like Wilhelm was someone important. Those men must have been his servants! I mean they called him the baron so why not? I started thinking harder on the subject. If those were servants, then they must be.........that's it! That's why they were in pain. They drank a poisoned wine that Alexander knew they were gonna drink. Then, the servants became those freaks. I became shocked at what I had just discovered. I continued into the room and noticed a note. Exactly as I thought, it was about Wilhelm's contract. Next to it was the next piece of this puzzle, Aqua Regia. The third out of four. Three down, one to go. I thought kind of relieved.

I continued through the maze of rooms, when on a shelf in a corner, I see something different. This wasn't an oil conatiner or a tinderbox, but something totally different. It looked a small potion bottle that you would see in movies. In latin it read LAUDANUM. I picked up and the castle trembled once again and I saw something terrifying across from me. I crouched down and looked in the corner, hoping to become stay sane. Once again, across from, even closer was a tall monster looking creature with the same burlap sack.

I heard it groan and grunt and I looked away, not wanting to see the terrifying horrors that came across its face. I waited a couple more seconds and the servant started walking away. I grew fear but I needed to get over it if I was gonna get out of here, or kill Alexander. I remembered one of the servants in the deja vu sound like a grunt, so that's what I'll called the servant monster I just saw. Works for me. Time went by and I left the arera carefully, following a trail of liquid and finally finding the last ingriedient, Aqua Fortis. The ground shook once again and I went back up the withering stairs and back to the Entrance hall.

While I closed to door to the Wine Cellar, the ground started forming this kind of red puss stuff, it was the shadow. One of the papers I found talked about the shadow and how it leaves behind this disgusting red goo. I took a step and it felt strong. I walked through and back to the laboratory, where I move on from this place. I walked in and found it very similar to the Wine Cellar, almost creepy in a way. I walked down those wooden steps and continued down to the desk with the beakers and wheels. I placed the pot under the spout at then of it. Here we go, I thought. I turned the main burner wheel and suddenly all four burners lit up, reading for the acids. I started the place the acids in each of the four beakers above the burners, and the ground shook more than usual. The shadow was not happy with me. I heard a loud crash, but nothing else. So I continued on.

I started turning the other wheels and the acids ran from one tube to the next. Next thing I knew, the pot was filled with the chemical I needed to keep going through to the inner sactum. I run up the steps and noticed the withering wooden steps that go back to the Entrance hall were broke. It was the shadow! It must have caused this. I looked around and tried to think of a way back up, when I saw a sturdy wooden board. I place it at the end of the rubble and climbed up, getting to the Entrance hall. Upon leaving, I saw my goo, so I left quickly, and ran down to the refinery. "Here goes nothing." I say to myself as I pour the chemical over the shadows goo. suddenly the red puss breaks away and falls to the sides, letting me go on my way. I turn back and sigh, "Thanks for the help Daniel, let's hope you keep it up." I say and smile, opening the door to the refinery, feeling relieved that I have completed my first puzzling quest. Although I was not prepared for the horrors beyond that door.

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