Chapter 42- The Truth Behind the Sleeve

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Draco's stomach acid had found a new way to make him sick. It was February 25th, meaning it was two years since he and Harry were officially together and Draco found himself huddled next to the fire, alone.

They decided to meet in the forest at 8:00, but Harry hadn't shown up, and Draco knew it was well past 8:00. The sun was down, hiding from the world, stars not even shining as bright as he could remember. Or maybe he just couldn't see the light anymore.

He heard rustling coming from behind him and quickly stashed the small box in his pocket.

"Hey you," the all too familiar voice said. Draco got up from his spot and went to greet his love. Harry immediately accepted him in open arms, wrapping his arms around his waist and kissing him chastely.

"I thought you weren't coming."

"Draco, it's one of the most important days in the world, how could I miss it," the Gryffindor said, burying his face into Draco's neck. They stood there for a while in each other's embrace, letting a feeling of serenity and peace fall over them. "I'm sorry I'm late," he mumbled, "Ron's in the hospital wing."

"What? Why," Draco asked, almost concerned. What did the idiot weasel do now to keep him from his Harry?

"I was going to get ready tonight when I went into the dormitory and I saw Ron, who had eaten chocolates with love potion injected in them, which was supposed to be slipped to me." Draco clenched his jaw in a small wave of envy, but let Harry continue. "Hey," Harry stroked bangs from his face, "I didn't have them. Besides, I only eat chocolates if they're from you. No one else."

Draco flattened his lip line and let Harry continue.

"I took him to see Slughorn and, well, he cured him but we decided to celebrate with his bottle of sherry and before we had a chance to drink ours, Ron was on the floor. I gave him some bezoar though, Ron's in the hospital as we speak. He was poisoned, Draco," he said gravely, "He could have died."

Draco went solidly numb, all colors draining from his face. His eyes watered but he refused to let them fall. Not yet, anyway.

"Harry," he said breathlessly, "you almost died."

"Relax, I'm okay. How many times in my life had I been that close to death? A fair few. Don't worry about it." Harry hugged him tightly.

"A fair few," Draco sneered, "Why are you playing this off like it doesn't matter!" I almost killed you.

"Hey, calm down. It's not like you tried to kill me, or anything. It was just another close call." 

A wave of nausea spread over Draco. Oh my...

"But-" Harry cut him off by grabbing his face and forcefully shoving their mouths together. Draco was stiff at first but began to loosen up, feeling along Harry's back. He simply lost himself, forgetting everything's that had to do with Voldemort or Ron or Katie Bell even. It was just he and Harry. And that's what he wants to happen. Forever.

"I'm here," Harry said simply as he released slowly. They looked deep into the others' eyes, trying to figure out what was going on in their heads. "I am. I always will be. Okay?"

"Okay," Draco breathed, and then he suddenly couldn't feel his feet. "H-Harry, I need to ask you something."

Draco's heart beat at an immeasurable rate and his stomach did backflips.

"Okay," Harry said modestly kissing the side of his face, "Go for it."

"It's not that simple." Draco reached out of Harry's embrace, but Harry pulled him back again, holding his hips so their bodies were touching. 

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