Chapter 62- The Fight

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Harry awoke to a large amount of chatter an hour later, only to open his eyes and see everyone surrounding a body on the bed next to him. After his vision cleared, he noticed a flicker of platinum blonde hair and he tried to get up, but his body held him back.

"Draco! What happened!" Everyone turned to Harry and Madam Pomfrey grabbed a tray of food. Once all the people cleared, he could see Draco was pale, deathly pale, as well as asleep, unconscious, hidden from the world by darkness.

"Eat first," she insisted.

"No I'm not eating until you tell me what happened to him!"

"Mr. Potter I will not tell until you eat. Your body is on starvation mode."

Harry scoffed and grabbed a tray of food. There was enough to feed seven people, and although at first he had a fit, he then realized his hunger and stuffed his face, eating as much as he could. The boy immediately had more energy, but he was still tired. 12 hours of nightmares could never possibly make up for months of no sleep. It was almost a tease.

"I'd prefer it if you shower, Mr. Potter. Poor hygiene won't help your sickness."

"It's not that bad!" Harry raised his arm and smelled his armpit. "You're right."

Harry sprung from the bed and took probably the fastest shower in his life, although he did enjoy the hot water pour down his neck, as a refreshing alarm, but he wanted to Draco more than feel water hit him.

He changed into a fresh pair of clothing, only before taking the picture embedded in his hoodie pocket and holding it in his hand. It was the one when he was kissing Draco on the cheek, who was smiling and looking at him. It was romantic, yet goofy, and Harry loved it. (Plus he looked at all the other ones on a daily basis.)

He put it back where it came from and went into the main wing. There, Draco was still asleep, but he did appear a little less pale. Harry didn't care, he walked on and sat on Draco's bed, stroking his hair.

"Please tell me what happened to him," he begged.

"He went under a memorical attack. I assume this isn't the first time," Madam Pomfrey wondered, and Harry nodded, "when we look at things, for example, Mr. Potter, skelogrow, what do you think of?"

"Second year when Lockhart tried healing my arm."

"Exactly. You automatically connected it to a memory. When someone loses their memories improperly, such as his case, when the mind finds something that could have connected or been within the memory as it has been before, the mind goes on overload trying to recognized it. That's why he's having his attacks."

"But I don't understand, how did he have another one? Was it a dream again?"

"He saw one of your memories," Hermione started.

"How, I don't understand," Harry asked, confused. He grabbed Draco's limp hand hand drew circles on it with his own hand.

"When I preformed a brain scan, he was near you and therefore the spell picked up both of your signatures. His showed tears, however your signatures were practically congruent except for the memory loss. He demanded to see one, and we couldn't stop him."

"Which one did he see!?" Although Harry would love for Draco to remember, in fact he practically begged the heavens above each second he had a chance to, but if he himself had no idea what was going on and saw a memory, for example, them having intercourse or showering together... He would be in initial shock, too. That was the last memory he wished for him to see just because it would definitely turn him away.

"We don't know," Hermione said.

"Will he remember since he's been exposed to a memory," Harry hoped.

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