Infinite darkness here, and I thought the best way to start taking over fandoms was to start a new short series based on everything wrong with *Specific Fanfictions*.
I'll start the series off with Everything Wrong with... Five Nights At Freddy's (F...
I understand that these are fanfictions and they're awesome, but I've noticed slight 'errors' that make me smile and point out.
As I'm starting with Foxy fanfictions, I'll start the list with
•animatronic crushes since age 7
This is fine (I guess) if you want to start a backstory between characters but to actually love a robot at the age of seven kinda feels weird... Don't it...?
Secondly •Kissing robots.
I hope you know as an author, that your making the reader kiss a bloodied muzzle with electrical wires and (apparently) the sharpest teeth of all the animatronics. Foxy's lower jaw is known to be broken and it hangs, constantly out of control for the poor fox but to kiss something that has a tongue (or a mouth for this matter) that looks like this,
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Is kinda off putting. Agree?
Foxy doesn't have a tail. It's 'Canon' in a way. And anyway, a foxes tail is called a brush an something deep inside of me wishes there was a running internet joke that Fem!Nightguard!Readers somehow always carry a Brush of some sort and idk where I'm going with this.... Ye.... Uh.... NEXT THING!
•Human Animatronics.
I like the whole "Robot during day, Human at night" thing, it gives off a 'mysterious' vibe. And it totally rules out the 'kissing the sharpest teeth in the series thing and shredding yourself in a hug' that I was previously talking about.
But when authors take it to the extreme really bugs me. They change Foxy and the others altogether. The 'pirate' theme Foxy lives for, is thrown in the bin and he's like the stereotypical American/British person (depending on author) you'll ever read about! And I've read Hetalia Books.
•sudden realisation
What I'm talking about is, Readers first night at the job, reader is tired and has listens to phone Guy go on and on about his introduction the the restaurant but then, Foxy races towards the door, (which is impossible for foxy to do on the first night anyway) and then realise that the Nightguard is the little girl who used to fangirl over his appearance, before he 'broke'.
This would never happen. The spirits in the animatronic would be angered at the night guard (like normal) and even if Foxy did attack, it wouldn't be so sudden.
WOULD BE SO IMPOSSIBLE! I understand that it's fanfiction and anything can happen, and I'm not hating on any right now, or aiming this at someone but this bugs me so badly.
•Lettin Foxy leave Pirate Cove,
I've only read a few fanfics that Foxy hasn't left his cove except for when attacking the Nightguard (which happens on the first night and ye) but we all know, foxy is a decommissioned animatronic that's not allowed to leave his stage.
I'm going to leave it here, I might add another chapter containing other Fnaf Characters, I'm not sure...
But anyways, thanks for reading. If you liked it, give a star a home and share and if you didn't, let me know why in the comment section below.