Chapter 1

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Living in Los Angeles, California amongst many other people there is a single mother with her two beloving daughters, Stella and Maxine who are twins but of contradiction. The twins are 15 years young. Their father passed away after battling with Bladder Cancer. Stella is a very brave and mature girl who always looks after her twin sister although Maxine can be very controlling and manipulative sometimes.

*Stella and Maxine are currently in the bedroom and Stella is preparing for the prom while Maxine is chilling on the sofa playing games.*

"So, what do you think Max? Do you think it fits right?"

"It's fine..stop being so picky, you look beautiful!"

"But you're not even looking at me.."

"You've been posing in it for the last hour heh"

"I just want my first prom night with Kurt to be perfect"

*Mother enters the room*

"Do you need my help girls?"

"Oh wow Stella, you look stunning!!"

"Do you think Kurt will like it?"

"He'll love it, trust me. Maxine, honey, aren't you getting ready?"

" I'm not going."

"But why honey? It's your first prom.."

"I know but you know proms aren't my thing!"

"And besides, Chris's coming to pick me up in a bit, I'll probably be out until late anyway so I'm not missing anything special."

"Oh Chris.."

"Sometimes I wonder how the two of you can be twins, you're so different from one another!.."

*Car Pulls Up Outside*

"That's gotta be Kurt, I better go!"

"Have fun Stella; Don't trip in those heels for God's sake!"

"Aren't you gonna get ready?.."

"In a bit, he's coming later on anyways."

" Sometimes I'm worried with..."

"Mum, I know what you're going to say..don't because I'm happy, honestly I am and you should be happy for me as well!"

*sighs* "Okay if that's what you want, I'll leave you to it..Sometimes I wish you'd be more like your sister.."

Mum is very worried of the whole thing between Maxine and her boyfriend Chris because Maxine is a very secretive person and she is not that close with her mum and sometimes not even with her sister. Chris can be very rude with the way he acts towards Maxine and her mum which leads mum to various thoughts running into her head.On the opposite side, Stella's boyfriend, Kurt, is rather caring and protective when it comes to Stella and he's always there to give mum a hand. He also thinks that Chris is a bad influence to Maxine but never said anything to anyone except to Stella who totally agrees with him. Mum doesn't know where Maxine is going tonight and she keeps questioning herself if she is ever going to be safe especially the negative thoughts about Chris.

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