Chapter 5: The Autopsy Results

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The officer together with Stella, her mom and Kurt went to the hospital and met the doctor who did the autopsy.

"I can't believe it's her. My daughter... is gone!!"

Kurt gasped and turned on the police officer.

"Did you find Chris yet, Officer?"

"I'm afraid not, he hasn't returned since last night, nobody has seen him since then. Anything identified from the body Doc?"

"Just a DNA sample of someone other than her own."

"That will be him! I want you to find him this immediate! He can't get away with killing my daughter...her and Stella are all I've got!"

"We are doing the best we can to find him and we're taking the case serious indeed."


"Mum, please sit down. Chris will absolutely NOT get away with this, I promise you. Kurt and I will talk to some of Chris's friends and see if we can retrace what happened last night, We are going to find out what happened to my sister, whoever killed her will pay big time!!"

*Police Officer's phone starts ringing*
"Hello? Yes, check for any other finger prints and other evidence that will help us find out more information. I'll come down to the station now with the family."
*Ends call*

"What? What happened?!"
"They've recovered a phone from the crime scene buried underground. We believe it belongs to Maxine. Maybe we can get some information from the logs history – whom she called and messaged and from then we contact people who might be involved in last night's murdering.

"LET'S GO!!"

"Oh officer, before you go there's one last thing I need to tell you. Maxine's death occurred at least 2 hours after she called Stella. In that space of time, she may have been hiding or escaping. I think you need to be looking elsewhere... the killer wouldn't have kept her alive for two extra hours for sure knowing she had already called for help,,, " 

"TWO HOURS???! T-t-that means I could have saved her!!"

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